Friday, December 30, 2011

Prayer for January 1-7, 2012

Sermon text: Luke 2:22-40

That your presence will impel us to energetic witness

Glorious One, You who came among us in a way we never expected, You who shared in the deepest of our sorrows and the highest of our joys, we worship and adore You.

We have often waited for your coming but failed to recognize your presence.

We have called your name, but could not hear or comprehend your answer.

Our prayers have seemed like echoes across a chasm.

We have longed for greater sensitivity to your presence. We have ached to acknowledge your presence as the answer to our deepest hopes and most disciplined prayers.

Indeed, You have revealed yourself to us. You have become our salvation, our Redeemer. You are the source of our daily consolation.

Your presence has given us meaning. Your presence has fulfilled our deepest longing and thrilled us to our depths. Your presence is our rest and the impetus for our most energetic witness. We live with gladness and thanksgiving in your faithful presence. Amen.

May each of you experience Christ's presence in energizing ways in 2012. Dave

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