Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 35: Sixth Monday
Mark 14:53-65

     Jesus, your claim of a unique relationship with God and that others would see You glorified in God's presence, and in your return, certainly sounded like blasphemy to those who were trying to protect their faith. What You asked them to see and believe was challenging to the heart of their faith. And they had had enough challenge from You. They were ready to be done with You, ready to wade through false testimony in order to draw some threads together, like a web, that would hold You in their grasp and bring about your demise.
     You are a constant challenge to closely held faith or political beliefs and practices that put power and control before healing, liberation, justice and reconciliation. You are a constant challenge to those of us who believe that we are the defenders of the faith, or that we are autonomous, or that we actually exercise control over the lives of others.
     Jesus, forgive us for joining those who conspired against You by denying your authority and  ignoring your word. Forgive us for believing and telling lies about You, particularly those lies that enable us to withhold forgiveness, ignore justice and practice violence.  Change our minds about You, even if it means that we must suffer with You. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pastor. I want to remember this prayer for as long as I can because I believe, like the groups who opposed Christ, we internally believe we are always doing what is right and just. But, if we were to wait and be just a little more patient in most situations, we could see God's work. Just as in Jesus' teaching. Though in the eyes of outside groups, Jesus was a threat. Yet we see he was tha savior who fulfilled his promise. Just as God the Father intended it and promised also. Thank you Pastor.
