Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Prayer for December 20-26, 2020
Sermon Text: Luke 1:26-38

That we may say, "Yes," to your call with courage and trust

God of wonders, sometimes You send your messengers to announce and ask the strangest things. They declare your favor, your good intentions for us. They tell us not to be afraid and enable us to find peace in your presence. Then they ask us to be involved in your mission in the world in ways that require that we invest our lives fully, and take significant risks as we do so.

We take those risks because we trust You. You have been faithful to us, even when we have been faithless. We take those risks because we want to reciprocate the love that we have received so continuously and bountifully from You. We take those risks because we want to participate in the new thing that You are doing as You renew your people and renew all of creation.
Forgive us when we are overly fearful. Forgive us when we shy away from your call upon our lives. Enable us to say "Yes," with courage, and trust You as we take the risks required to participate in your reign of peace, justice, and compassion. Amen.

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