Lenten Prayer - Day 9 - Friday (February 26, 2021)
Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:27-37
Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:27-37
Faithful One, we worship You and trust in You. As people redeemed and renewed by Christ Jesus, and guided and energized by your Spirit, enable us to be people of truth and fidelity in all of our relationships.
Forgive us when we view other people as objects for our exploitation and control. Forgive us when we treat even our most intimate relationships as disposable commodities. Forgive us when we attempt to use truth, or some facsimile of it, as a means to manipulate other people for our own benefit.
Enable us to take strict measures to eliminate exploitative and deceitful practices from our relationships. Help us to cut out sin where it is most deeply rooted in our lives.
Transform us so fully that truth, fidelity, and love flow from the center of our being as a reflection of your presence in us. Enable us to be your image for one another, as You intended us to be. We pray in the name of the One who embodied your fullness. Amen.