Day 29: Fifth Monday
Mark 12:35-44
Jesus, we are so easily impressed and deceived by appearances, but You are not. You are able to tell when we faith leaders, and others of standing, are strutting around so that we will be acknowledged and respected by others. You see our hunger for approval. You see our greed. You know the ways that we have enriched ourselves at the cost of the most vulnerable persons among us. You know what judgment we deserve in order to realign our lives with the will that will be done on earth as in heaven.
Teacher, we like to think we are generous as we give from the overflow of our wealth. But You consider a different form of economics in which the self-giving gifts of those who are already at a disadvantage, those who have been maligned and kept in need by our predatory economics, weigh more heavily on the scale of values of God's reign.
Teacher, keep teaching us. Don't give up on us. Let your words penetrate to the core of our being and alter us for generosity that flows freely and enhances the lives of many. Help us to give without self-consciousness and without concern for our status and reputation, even as we work to bring about systemic justice. Amen.
Note: this is another prayer that may be most meaningful or irritating to people in church leadership.
Thank you Pastor. It's a humbling prayer. I hope I listen better myself.