Sunday, March 15, 2020

Prayer for March 15-21, 2020
Sermon Text: John 4:1-42

That we may be transformed more completely for worship in the Spirit and in truth

Jesus, Messiah, we rejoice that even as opposition to You began to grow, so that You traveled in a direction You may not have chosen, and encountered people You may not have met, life-giving ministry flowed from You as naturally as the water You requested to quench your thirst.

Jesus, we rejoice that many of your diversions became opportunities for ministry. We rejoice in your open heart. We rejoice in your willingness to break social barriers. We thank You that You speak truth that challenges us, and causes us pain, but draws us to You so we may draw from the life-giving resources that You carry in your own being.

Jesus, transform our lives more completely, so that we may, indeed, worship You in the Spirit and in truth. May our ongoing encounters with You energize us to tell others about You, so that they may seek You for themselves, and find that You are the true Source of life. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pastor. This is a powerful prayer and I'm thankful I read this today. Peace
