Lenten Prayer - Day 31 - Sixth Wednesday (March 24, 2021)
Gospel Reading: John 12:44-50
Gospel Reading: John 12:44-50
Jesus, we rejoice in You! We rejoice that when we believe in You, we believe in God our Creator. We rejoice that when we see You, we see more than a vital, fully-lived human life, but see the Holy One who sent You and whom You embody in a unique, unmatchable way. We rejoice that when we draw near You, when we hear and heed your instruction, we are drawn from chaos and confusion into the light of truth that enables us to live in faithful and fruitful ways.
Jesus, by your Spirit, keep us from being among those who hear your instruction, but do not act upon it. Draw us toward greater fidelity in every dimension of our lives, including all of our relationships. Lead us away from the judgment and discipline that resistance to your saving presence and sovereign word bring into our lives.
Jesus, we trust You! We pledge our loyalty to You! We seek the fullness of life that God gives through You. May the life of the Eternal One shine through us as it shone through You, for God's glory. Amen.