Thursday, April 21, 2011

Prayer for April 24-30, 2011

Sermon Text: Matthew 28:1-20

That we will accomplish your purpose in your power

God of resurrection, You shattered every expectation by raising Jesus from the dead. You defeated death by your unimaginable power. You amaze us! You give us new hope. You fill us with expectation of our own resurrection with Christ Jesus. We praise You! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! You alone are worthy of Praise! Amen!

We rejoice that You gave your Resurrected One authority over all things. We gladly submit our lives to Christ Jesus for obedient service. We will follow wherever the Spirit of Christ leads us, and we will invite others to follow and teach them all that Christ has taught us.

Give us courage and energy to live as resurrection people. May we accomplish your desire for us by your own power and gifts. Let us join with multitudes who serve and praise you with abundant joy. Amen.

Prayer for Good Friday - April 22, 2011

This prayer is based on Jesus' encounters with various forms of deceit in the final hours leading up to his death.

Sermon text: John 18:1 - 19:42
Responsive Prayer

Leader:True and Trustworthy God, we rejoice that You sent Jesus
among us as the bearer of your grace and truth.

People:We rejoice that Jesus has invited us to worship You in
spirit and truth and that by your Spirit, Jesus enables our

Leader:We thank You for Jesus’ teaching that guides us as we live
as your true children.

People:And we praise You that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and
the Life for all people, including us.

Leader:O God, while we celebrate Jesus Christ as Living Truth, we
acknowledge that he encountered lies and deceit in many

All: and admit that we have been deceitful too often.

Leader:We cringe to think of the response of Judas and Peter to

All: but we admit that we, too, have betrayed Jesus, we too
have denied our own identity as Jesus’ followers when
telling the truth seemed threatening.

Leader:Forgive us for our betrayals.

People:Forgive us for our denials.

Leader:We too have resisted and opposed the truth spoken by

People:We too have spoken cynically and questioned whether
truth was available to us.

Leader:Forgive us for our cynicism.

People:Forgive us for resisting the truth.

Leader:O God, we too have seen the truth clearly then chose to
act against the truth in order to save face, or curry favor,
or protect ourselves.

All: Forgive us for being too fearful to live the truth we know!

Leader:By your Spirit, O God, align our lives fully with your truth –
the Truth we meet in Christ Jesus.

People:Heal and transform us!

All: Enable us to follow Jesus in truth, no matter what the
cost may be. Amen.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Prayer for April 17-23, 2011

Sermon Text: Matthew 21:1-11

That we will praise You boldly at all times

Sovereign God, we acknowledge Jesus as Anointed King and Maker of Peace, chosen and sent by You. Jesus is your agent of newness, of forgiveness and restoration that we could not imagine or achieve on our own. We rejoice in You for your great mercy to us.

Give us courage to voice our praise in the context of our daily activities and relationships, not only when we are gathered together for worship. Let us praise You without self-consciousness or embarrassment, even when some resist our words of thankfulness and wish to silence us.

Shape our lives for fruitfulness in obedience and righteousness, and by drawing others to You. We pray with confidence and boldness because all things are possible for You. Amen.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Prayer for April 10-16, 2011

Sermon Texts: Ezekiel 37:1-14, with John 11:1-45

That we will live the eternal life You give

God of life, we rejoice that You are able to act when we are at the end of our resources, when we are in despair and consider ourselves beyond hope. We rejoice that You are not over matched by chaos and death, but that You bring new life, resurrection, astonishing us and overcoming our lack of faith.

Because You have given us new life through Christ Jesus, who is the Resurrection and the Life, we are able to live with courage and hope. We are able to walk in places that once filled us with fear. And we anticipate eternal life in your presence because we have received that life, now, as your gift, and as that which orders our earthly life.

Giver of Life, we rejoice in the life You have given us through Christ Jesus. Let all of our life reflect your glory to the world around us. May some be drawn to You and receive new life from You because they see the new life You have given to us. Amen.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Prayer for April 3-9, 2011

Sermon Text: John 9:1-41

That we will rejoice in and witness to your healing

God of mercy and compassion, we rejoice in You. We rejoice that You are able to restore both body and mind to health. We thank You for the many times when we have received your healing and energizing touch.

You have healed our illnesses and injuries. You have unified our fragmented minds. You have healed our deepest grief. You have lifted us from depression and despair to delight.

At times we are confused because we do not see your healing in every sickness and injury for which we pray. Enable us to trust You wholly even when we do not see or receive healing in the ways we expect. Enable us to trust your wisdom which exceeds and is unlike our own.

Do not allow us to become cynical about the witness of others, but enable us to rejoice with those who receive your healing and join them in praising You. Free us to testify about the healing and restoration we have received from You. Amen.