Saturday, October 30, 2021

Prayer for October 31-November 6, 2021
Sermon Text: Ruth 1:1-18

That the love You have created in us will give us courage to walk together in solidarity

God of all, we rejoice in You! We worship You as the One who loves and who generates love within people whose hearts are open and responsive to You.

We rejoice that the love You pour into human hearts may flow freely from one person to another. And we rejoice that the love You create between people may grow into deep love and enduring commitment to You.

Compassionate God, give us the courage to walk together in solidarity through deprivation, loss, grief, and other trials, because of the love You have created in us.

Generous God, give us voice to express our thanksgiving and praise when You have acted in unforeseen ways to bless us and to make us a source of blessing. We pray in the name of the One who lived in full solidarity with us and gave himself completely for us. Amen.
Prayer for October 24-30, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 10:46-52

That your healing touch may allow us to follow You with new vision

Jesus, although our needs are many, we often fail to perceive which parts of our life need your healing touch most desperately. Enable us to see our need clearly. Give us courage to cry to You from that place of need, even when others would try to silence or scold us.

We know that You are able to heal us. We know, in particular, that You are able to give us new sight. You enable us to see the truth about who You are, about who we are, and about our deep and abiding need for your provision and intervention in our lives.

We need your mercy! We need your healing touch! We cry to You in hope because we know that You are able to act in unexpected ways to rescue and generate wholeness.

Enable us to trust You completely. Then, when we experience healing, give us the energy and courage to follow You on the road You have called us to travel. Amen.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Prayer for October 17-23, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 10:35-45

Through acts of service, may we give all for God's glory

Jesus, give us a heart for service that follows after your own heart.

Enable us to put all of the resources we have been given into whole-hearted service for God’s reign and into compassionate service for the many neighbors with whom God has surrounded us.

Draw our thoughts away from gaining glory and honor for ourselves. Draw our focus away from competing with one another and controlling one another.

Jesus, it’s clear that most of us are not yet ready to endure the kind of suffering and death that You experienced and to which You called us as your disciples. Enable us to set aside every hope, every desire, that is not linked to the fullest expression of God’s reign and God’s glory among us. Through acts of service, may we give all for God’s glory, as You did. Amen.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Prayer for October 10-16, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 10:17-31

That our lives may reflect the obedience and generosity of Jesus

Jesus, we aren’t always looking for the truth when we ask what we must do to participate in God’s reign among us. We are just as likely to be looking for words that affirm our present choices. And we are likely to resist changing patterns that are deeply entrenched in our lives, particularly related to accumulating and hoarding wealth.

We want to trust God. We want to be devoted solely to the Holy One as our source of provision and security, but we have become so deeply dependent upon our wealth that we are often unable to see that it has become a false God that hinders our full commitment to God.

And when we become dependent upon and devoted to our wealth, we are often unable to see our neighbors in their need, and unwilling to share the resources we have accumulated in ways that enhance their lives.

Look at us in love! Challenge us with your truth. Forgive us for our sins of idolatry and our failure to share with our neighbors. Transform us into people whose lives reflect the obedience and generosity of Jesus. Do not let us turn from the path of faithfulness. Amen.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Prayer for October 3-9, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 10:2-16 

That we may trust You with the simple trust of children

Jesus, we rejoice in You! We rejoice in the wisdom and skill that You showed as You encountered diverse people during your ministry. We rejoice that You were able to discern the motivations of those who wanted to shape faith and obedience in ways that were most convenient for them.

We rejoice that You do not soften your teaching for the benefit of those who have hardened their hearts against divine instruction.

You know our hearts, Jesus. You know the many ways that we resist living our faith in consistent and courageous ways. You know that we often place our own desires over the creative intention of God. Forgive us! Transform us!

Let us be led into your presence and embraced by your love in ways that energize us to respond to You with the simple trust of children. As we come to You, do not let us hinder others who seek and desire You and long for your blessing and embrace.

May others be blessed by us for God’s glory. Amen.