Sunday, April 30, 2017

Prayer for April 30-May 6, 2017 
Sermon Text: Luke 24:13-35

That we may be energized to witness that You are alive

We were walking the road in defeat when You came and walked with us.

Our faces were downcast when You spoke to us and we told You about the events that had broken our hearts.  

We were confused by, and slow to believe rumors of life when You rebuked our foolishness. 

We were silent as You explained what we needed to know about the One in whom we hoped.

We implored You to stay when it seemed You would travel on without us.

Our eyes were opened, in recognition, as You took, gave thanks, broke true bread, and gave it to us to eat. 

In your absence, we realized that our hearts had been blazing in your presence. We had recognized You without recognizing You. 

Suddenly, we are energized. Suddenly, we have good news to share. Suddenly, the time for rest is over. We cannot wait to say that we recognized You, fully alive, lit with glory, when You broke bread. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Prayer for April 23-29, 2017 
Sermon Text: John 20:19-31

That our doubt may be transformed into doxology    

Jesus! Enable us to be your resurrection people! Let every dimension of our lives be made complete in You. Fill us with your energizing and liberating Spirit. Prepare us to be people of forgiveness, but give us discernment of those circumstances when forgiveness should be withheld.

Some days we are full of doubt! We doubt your resurrection. We doubt that God’s resurrecting power could work through our lives. Help us to bring our doubts to You as an act of supplication, a plea for understanding. Forgive us when we use doubt as an act of resistance to the newness that You are constantly bringing into the world.

As You reveal yourself to us in the tumble and turmoil of our days, transform our doubt to doxology. Deepen our trust.  

You are our Sovereign God! We exult in You! Amen.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Good Friday, April 14, 2017 
Sermon Text: Matthew 26:14-27:66

That new hope will form within us even in our bleakest moments

O Christ, how you suffered! How You gave yourself without restraint! We are saddened and humbled because of all that You endured for your people in obedience to the will of God and in service of God’s reign of peace and justice.

Sold and betrayed by one friend, denied by another, failed and abandoned by many; how did You endure?

Arrested like a criminal, lied about, summarily condemned, accused of blasphemy; sentenced to death, flogged, mocked, crucified, insulted during your most vulnerable, painful moments; how did You endure?

Crying out as One abandoned by God; how did you endure?

One loud, last cry and you gave up your spirit, surrendered to the darkness of the moment. But in that moment … a veil was torn, deepest truth exposed. In that moment, a confession was made. Already, in the darkest hour, a new hope was being formed. 

That hope has grown within us, even in the darkness. Even now, even in grief, we hope in You. Amen.
Prayer for April 16-22, 2017 
Sermon Text: John 20:1-18

That we may boldly declare that “We Have Seen the Lord”

Dark morning. Morning of confusion. Morning of loss, tears and panic. Morning of incomplete mourning. Mourning interrupted by You, God of life.

You have fulfilled your promises. You have defeated sin and death. You have defeated every power. You have vindicated your Chosen One by raising Jesus from the dead. You have assured your reign of peace and justice.

You have turned tears to psalms of rejoicing. You have pierced confusion with the light of your presence. You have restored what had seemed hopelessly lost. 

Jesus is alive! We have heard him call our names. We have looked into his face. We have heard his command. We are his witnesses for together we say: “I have seen the Lord!” Amen.

Saturday, April 15, 2017


Day 40 – Saturday
Psalm 24:1-10

     God, our Creator, we remember, once again, that all of creation has been generated by your word of love and delight. We remember that You have placed us in this complex, beautiful, and often challenging world in order to be your stewards who nurture and enhance the fruitfulness of all that surrounds us.
     We rejoice in the intellect, skills, spiritual gifts and energy You have given us in order to serve the world in wise, compassionate, generous, just and peaceful ways.
     We know that we cannot bring your reign to its fullest and final expression, but enable us, now, to do your will, as completely as we can, in preparation for the day when You will complete your work of renewing and restoring all of creation.
     We pledge ourselves wholly to You. We are your stewards! We delight to do your will! We commit ourselves to stirring up the gifts You have given us so that we may be more effective servants. We anticipate the fulfillment of all of your promises with joy! Amen.

Easter Sunday

Christ Jesus lives! Hallelujah!

Celebrate resurrection. 

In the coming days, contemplate what your stewardship looks like in the light of resurrection. What changes might you make that would suggest that God’s life-giving power is at work, in new ways, in your life?

Friday, April 14, 2017


Day 39 – Friday
Romans 12:1-8

     Spirit of God, we rejoice in your presence among us. We rejoice that You are able to transform our minds so that we no longer conform to the world’s way of doing things. You enable us to trust God more completely. You enable us to place our whole selves at God’s disposal in glad worship. You enable us to have a clear sense of who we are in relationship to God and to our brothers and sisters in faith.
     Holy Spirit, we rejoice that You give us many gifts with which to nurture the faith and care for the needs of that portion of the body of Christ in which You have placed us. You enable us to place the needs of the body before our own and help the body to serve and witness effectively in the world. We rejoice in your work of empowerment among us! 
     You enrich our life together with many gifts, but we pray, Spirit of Wisdom, that You will give many of us the gift of giving, so that God’s generosity will flow freely to the world through our lives. For those of us who are not gifted in this area, help us to stretch ourselves to learn new practices of generosity. 
     We rejoice that You have linked our lives, inextricably, to one another. Help us to employ all of our gifts for glad service that brings honor and praise to God in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017


Day 38 – Thursday
2 Corinthians 9:1-15

     God, our Provider, we rejoice that You have provided so generously for us. You have given many of us much more than we need. With your generous gifts, You also give us many opportunities to act with glad generosity.
     Open our hearts! Open our eyes! Shape our wills! Unclench our hands! Fill us with deep gratitude and joy. Help us to see the opportunities for sharing that You place before us. Enable us to scatter gifts freely among people who are poor and in need.
     Forgive us when we forget that You have enriched us so that we “can be generous on every occasion.” Forgive us when we anxiously clutch what You have given to us and when we give in miserly ways. 
     Enable us to “abound in every good work.” Help us to do so without seeking the approval or acclaim of others. May your people be encouraged and strengthened when we act with generosity, and may You receive all of the glory and all of the thanks. We ask in the name of Jesus who gave everything for us. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Day 37 – Wednesday
2 Corinthians 8:8-15

     God, our Redeemer, we thank You for the mercy and generosity that You have shown to us through Jesus, your Chosen One.  With humility and awe, we thank You that Christ divested of wealth, power, privilege and prestige in order to come among us and enrich our lives by your boundless grace. This is a great mystery to us, but we know that it means life for us.
     Enable us, who call ourselves by the name of Christ, to take Christ’s model of self-giving to heart. Enable us to hold loosely to our many resources and to share or give them away gladly when opportunities come to enrich the lives of brothers, sisters and neighbors.
     Help us to remember that our resources are yours. Help us to remember that all of us are dependent upon You and that the resources You give are intended for sharing. Help us to give gladly and eagerly. Help us to receive with joyful gratitude. Give us a heart for equality so that we readily redress the vast inequalities among us.  
     Help us to be satisfied with enough so that we may give with freedom. Amen. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Day 36 – Tuesday
2 Corinthians 8:1-7

     God! Let your grace overflow in our lives. Open every aspect of our being for your energizing work. Enable us to think and act beyond ourselves even when we find ourselves in the midst of difficult and challenging circumstances.
     Enable us to commit ourselves fully to You. Enable us to commit ourselves to our brothers and sisters in deep, generous and even risky ways.
     We want to serve You. We want to give ourselves as servants of your reign of forgiveness, peace and justice. We want to place all of our resources at your disposal.
     Overcome the egocentricity that prevents us from seeing our neighbors in their need. Overcome the anxiety and fear that keep us from acting in courageous ways with our resources.  
     Let the “grace of giving” flow from our lives to enrich the lives of others who need your grace as much as we do. Amen.

Monday, April 10, 2017


Day 35 – Monday
1 Chronicles 29:1-20

     God of glory, we worship You and give You the praise that You alone deserve. We turn to You in trust because we know that You are sovereign within your creation. We know that You are the One who provides wealth and honor. And we acknowledge that You have created an abundance that is sufficient to supply the needs of every person and enable each of us to live blessed lives of fruitfulness and joy.
     Many of us live with abundance that would astonish most of the people who have lived on this planet. But we forget that it comes from You, and we imagine that we have earned and deserve it and that it is ours to do with as we please. Forgive us! Forgive us for thinking that we are autonomous self-made people. Forgive us for using our wealth in ostentatious ways and for our anxious hoarding that robs others of their basic needs. Forgive us for forgetting that we are stewards. Forgive us for failing to share with gladness. 
     Transform our anxiety and greed! Enable us to share generously as You have created generously. Enable us to invest abundantly, even at great personal cost, in your reign of justice, generosity and peace. Enable us to act in ways that bring blessing to all of your people—our neighbors. Amen.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Prayer for April 9-15, 2017
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:1-27

That we may accept your authority and sing your hosannas with joy

Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! Jesus, we acclaim You as God’s Chosen One! We honor You as King of Peace. We sing, Hosanna! with great joy in your presence. We acknowledge that You have come with divine authorization and authority.

You have shown us great zeal for God’s reign. You have healed many by your powerful word and compassionate touch. You have roused children to shout and dance in your presence.

You have also revealed many cold, hard hearts. You have exposed what is already dead and fruitless. You have confounded those who think they know all there is to know about God’s presence and action.  

Forgive us when we are resistant to your life-giving presence. Free us to accept your authority, to accept the life You offer, and to sing a thousand Hosannas with endless joy. Amen.

Sixth Sunday

Try to rest from all production, earning and spending. If, for some reason, you cannot do this on Sunday, attempt to do so on another day (or two solid half days) during the week. 

Enter whole-heartedly into worship. Celebrate friendship and simple pleasures.

Saturday, April 8, 2017


Day 34 – Saturday
Acts 6:1-7

     God our Redeemer, we rejoice that You have called us as your own. We rejoice that You have forgiven and transformed us, and that You have united us as one people, in Jesus Christ, though we are scattered throughout the world. We thank You for the deep joy and peace You give us as we trust fully in You.
     Transform our life together more completely. Give us wisdom and courage in order to structure the life of our churches in order to assure that the needs of the most vulnerable among us are clearly seen, and then provided for in generous ways.
     Raise up leaders who are full of your Spirit to guide this work among us and to help us, as individual members of the body of Christ, to share in glad and gracious ways.  
     May our faithful action speed the ministry of your word in the world and spur many to turn to Jesus and become his disciples. Amen.

Friday, April 7, 2017


Day 33 – Friday
Acts 4:32-35

     God of wonders, we rejoice in You. And we rejoice that You are able to do amazing things through your people when we are wholly committed to You and your word. You are able to do great things among us as we commit ourselves to building upon the foundation of unity that You have created for our life together. You are able to bring forgiveness, healing, liberation, peace and justice, within and beyond the church, as we extend ourselves in order to assure that the needs of all are met.
     God of all, You have been abundantly generous with us. Let grateful generosity become characteristic of our lives. Help us to remember that the many resources we enjoy are yours, and that we are your stewards. Help us to release the iron grip that we hold on these resources in order to free them for your rescuing, renewing work in the world. 
     As we share more fully the resources that You have provided, may our lives be a witness to your incomparable mercy and faithfulness. Give us joy in sharing that goes beyond any hope of reward. Amen.

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Day 32 – Thursday
Acts 2:42-47

     God our Maker and Redeemer, we rejoice in You. We rejoice that You have given us new life and have bound us together as your people.
     Enable us to apply the instruction of the apostles in wise and creative ways to our life together. Enable us to commit ourselves so thoroughly to each other that when we break bread together it will be a true reflection of our unity in Christ. Out of that unity, inspire us to share our resources in meaningful ways, and not merely amass resources for our own pleasure and convenience. Help us to be alert for and responsive to those around us who truly need resources with which You have entrusted us. 
     As we worship and praise You with joy, may your energy flow through our lives and touch the lives of others so that they are drawn to You and experience your life-changing power for themselves. Amen.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Day 31 – Wednesday
1 Timothy 6:17-19

     God of all life, help us to “take hold of life that is truly life.” Help us hold fast to You. Help us to trust You for the provision of every need. Help us to live with gratitude and delight in your many gifts.
     Sometimes You seem distant or unavailable to us, but help us to discern that You are near and active in our lives. Help us to perceive and celebrate your enduring faithfulness.  
     Even though it often appears true to us, help us not to be deceived by the illusion that wealth provides true satisfaction and security. Help us to recognize that wealth is easily lost. Help us not to delude ourselves into believing that our efforts to procure wealth have made us superior, self-sufficient people. 
     You have created a world of abundant resources. Help us to assure that others have enough. Unleash our hearts, minds and hands for good and generous works that enhance the lives of others. Let our sharing incite others to trust in You more completely. Amen.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Day 30 – Tuesday
1 Timothy 6:2c-10

     God our Provider, we are so often caught up in an unsettling mixture of desires. We want to serve You, but we want to satisfy a host of desires that we have come to define as needs. We want more money. We want good living to produce financial well-being, even significant wealth.
     We do not see that we have become trapped into believing that wealth is our source of satisfaction and security. We do not see that the wounds of restlessness, dissatisfaction, shattered relationships, alienation, intense stress and diminished health are often the result of our addictive quest for more money and possessions. 
     Forgive us for allowing money to be a rival god. Heal our self-inflicted wounds. Take our hand and lead us from the path of grief, ruin and destruction, back into the path of life. Help us to trust You fully. Enable us to be satisfied with your provision of our basic needs. Enable us to find contentment in You and your gifts. Amen.

Monday, April 3, 2017


Day 29 – Monday
Luke 11:42

     Generous One, many of us have learned a thing or two about generosity. We enjoy sharing of the resources You have provided us. We enjoy giving to those in need. We tithe and give gladly in other ways.
     But we are often blind to the larger issues that lie behind the needs of those who are most vulnerable. Our hearts and minds are not fully attuned to the justice that You desire. Because of our lack of insight and commitment to justice, sometimes even our giving serves to perpetuate unjust structures and practices.  
     Enable us to be people of justice and equity. Enable us to see the skewed structures and processes that provide extreme wealth for some while leaving others in abject poverty. Enable us to invest ourselves in creating a world where all have enough for fruitful living. Help us to use our wealth in ways that bring hope, healing and justice. We need your help! Let your Spirit guide and energize us in all that we do. Amen.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Prayer for April 2-8, 2017 
Sermon Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14

That your Spirit may come upon us when we are dispirited
     God of life, we rejoice that You created us. We rejoice that you are able to generate life where none exists.
     Sometimes, when we look at our lives in despair, we see nothing but heaps of bones that are as dry as dust. We are without vitality. Imagination and hope have dried up. There is no future.
     You are able to take even these guttering sparks of life and generate newness. You are able to restore vitality to the lifeless. You are able to generate joy in the despairing. You are able to instill new vision in those lacking insight. You are able to impart your Spirit to the dispirited. You are able to make your sovereignty known where it seems that chaos and death now reign. 
     You! You! You! You are able! We rejoice in what You have done and will do in our midst. Amen.

Fifth Sunday

Try to rest from all production, earning and spending. If, for some reason, you cannot do this on Sunday, attempt to do so on another day (or two solid half days) during the week. 

Enter whole-heartedly into worship. Celebrate friendship and simple pleasures.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Day 28 – Saturday
Matthew 6:1-4

     God of wisdom and insight, You know us better than we know ourselves. You know that we want to be recognized as good, wise, kind and generous people. And You know that we are easily drawn to do good works so that they will be seen and acknowledged by others.
     Forgive us when we act for the praise of others. Forgive us when we go out of our way to make sure that we are noticed. Forgive us for not trusting You enough to act solely for your purpose and praise.
     Rouse us to share with creative generosity the many resources You have given to us. Make sharing as natural as breathing for us. And help us to share without being overly conscious of the fact that we are doing something helpful or good. 
     Enable us to give ourselves in friendship and solidarity as we share our resources. We want You to be honored in all that we do, and we seek only the honor that You bestow in your own timing. Amen.