Sunday, November 28, 2021

Prayer for November 28-December 4, 2021
Sermon Text: Luke 21:25-36

That we may stand on the day when Christ comes with "power and great glory"

God, we hope in You! We await the return of your Anointed One. And like many generations of Christians before us, we are inclined to see signs of fulfillment in the anguish-causing chaos around us. In our anxiety, we often contribute to the chaos by rash choices that we believe will protect us and conserve the well-being of our individual lives and our communities. Or we turn to the calculating efforts of those who read the Bible’s mysterious language of the end of things as though it had a one-to-one correspondence with events or trends that we observe.

Jesus, we see many signs, but perhaps we don’t see the right signs, or see them in the right light. Perhaps we fail to see as Jesus saw and as Jesus attempted to train his disciples.

Forgive us for allowing anxiety to weigh us down and control us. Forgive us for failing to observe and address life with sobriety. Forgive us for expecting salvation only for us or those whom we perceive to be most like us. Transform us into disciples who follow Jesus with courage and hope. Enable us to stand on the day of his return, when he comes with “power and great glory.” Amen.

Prayer for November 21-27, 2021
Sermon Text: John 18:28-37

That we may follow your example of compassionate and courageous service

Jesus, many of us claim to want justice, but we have little taste for the difficult truths that we must hear to open a space for justice in our own hearts. We have little desire to change our minds, or to repent in brokenness and sorrow. We have little desire to make reparations to those whom we have defrauded and dehumanized by our acts of greed.

Like Pilate, we deny the availability of truth and its claim upon our lives. But we know that your instruction is wise and true. We know that your Spirit frees us by convincing and convicting us of the truth that You embodied among us.

Enable us to see that You, as Sovereign among us, have called and commanded us to practice neighbor love, not just for our brothers, sisters, and neighbors, but for those whom we define as enemies. Enable us to recognize your wise instruction and leadership, and follow your example of compassionate and courageous service, in order to fulfill the purpose of our creation and redemption. Amen.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Prayer for November 14-20, 2021
Sermon Text: 1 Samuel 1:3-20, 2:1-10

That we may trust fully in You as we act with compassion and generosity toward our neighbors

God of creation, we rejoice in You! We rejoice that You are alert to the cries of your people. You hear the anguished voices of those who are worn down, distraught, defeated, and shamed by their circumstances. You see the needs of the oppressed and the arrogance of their oppressors.

We rejoice that You have the ability to alter our lives. You are able to lift the oppressed to places of unexpected joy. You raise from death to new life. You nourish and give strength. You remove shame and give honor.

God of creation, we rejoice that You are also God of justice. We find both hope and warning in that. Do not let us oppress our neighbor in arrogance. Do not let us take refuge in wealth and assume that it will protect us from all threats. Enable us to trust fully in You and act with compassion and generosity toward our neighbors, so that we may all, together, celebrate your generous presence among us. Amen.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Prayer for November 7-13, 2021
Sermon Text: Ruth 3:1-6, 4:13-17

That we may see You working through the trials and tragedies of our lives

God of all, we rejoice in You. We rejoice that You are often working in unseen ways behind the trials and tragedies of our lives in order to bring blessing and joy.

You have created friendships when we had lost those who were most significant to us.

You have created new homes for us when we were exiled or forced to migrate in order to escape danger or receive our daily bread.

You have surrounded us with generous people who have watched over and guarded us in the midst of our struggles.

When we perceive that You have made our lives bitter, You act in new ways to set our hearts rejoicing.

We rejoice in your life-giving ability and in your many gifts. We receive them with gladness, and join your people in praise. Amen.