Sunday, May 27, 2018

Prayer for May 27-June 2, 2018 
Sermon Text: John 3:1-17

That your Spirit will blow a new life of freedom into us

God, so often when we come to You, we do not know how to form either our questions or our requests.

We come in need, and encounter You in mystery, and, at times, have no greater clarity when we finish than when we started.

But You know us! You know our deepest concerns before we are able to voice them. You know the yearning of our hearts. You know the obstacles to faith that have grown up within us.

You are not stymied by our confusion or lack of faith. So we ask that You send your Spirit to blow through us and liberate us for new life.  

Enable us to focus on Jesus. Enable us to trust. Let the life of your eternal realm course through us now.  

We rejoice that You act for our salvation and are slow to condemn. We rejoice in You! Day after day we rejoice in You! Amen.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Prayer for May 20-26, 2018 
Sermon Texts: Acts 2:1-21, John 15:26-16:15

That we who seem as good as dead may experience your renewing power

Jesus, we rejoice that You have not left us to fend for ourselves as we try to live faithfully in a world that is often hostile to meaningful faith. We rejoice that You have given your Spirit as companion, comforter and instructor.

We rejoice that the outpouring of your Spirit fulfills God’s promise to Israel, and that it enters and energizes your people for witness and ministry without regard to age, gender and other distinctions.

We rejoice that your Spirit is a gift made possible by your resurrection from death, and that we who often seem as good as dead may experience the renewing power that makes dry bones live.  

May the Spirit of truth and life empower us to live in alternative ways to all of the deceitful and death-dealing practices around us. May we be your Spirit people. Amen.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Prayer for May 13-19, 2018 
Sermon Text: John 17:6-19

That we may be thorough expressions of living truth

Christ Jesus, we rejoice that you prayed for the protection of your disciples so that they could be one as You and your Holy Father are one.

Protect us from the evil one and from every evil influence that diminishes our humanity and undermines our joy in following You. Fuse our lives so thoroughly that we are truly of one heart and mind.

Enable others to see the truth about who You are as they observe the unity and love among us.

Let our lives be thorough expressions of living truth and be fully set aside for the service of God’s reign in this world that we inhabit. Enable us to go gladly to witness and serve and give us patience and endurance when we are subject to the hatred of those who reject You. 

We rejoice that You continue to intercede and advocate for your followers in every age, and that your prayers for our unity, protection and joy have been fulfilled, in a significant measure, in our lives. Amen.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Prayer for May 6-12, 2018 
Sermon Text: John 15:9-17

That we may gladly act as beloved agents of your love

Jesus, help us not to forget that our entire life proceeds from the love that You received from God the Father and then bestowed upon us.

We are surrounded by holy love. We are commanded to love. We are energized for love.

Help us practice love for You by obeying your instruction with gladness. Help us to love our neighbors by giving of ourselves for them as You have given yourself completely for us.

As we love You and love our neighbors, fill us with your joy. Enable us to act in ways that have an enduring impact on others while bringing glory to your name. 

We gladly act as beloved agents of your love! Amen.