Monday, December 29, 2014

PRAYER FOR December 28, 2014-January 3, 2014 
Sermon Text: Luke 2:22-40

That we may see and acclaim Christ as our consolation and redemption

Holy and Merciful God, enable us to be fully devoted to You.  Enable us to do what is true and right.  Let worship and praise be characteristic of our daily devotion to You.  Let your Spirit move within us and among us in such a way that we are enabled to see and celebrate the presence of Christ, even when Christ comes among us in humility and weakness, and without evident signs of your glory.  Enable us to recognize the presence of Christ Jesus as the crowning jewel of our experience: that which sums up, binds together, and gives meaning to all that You intend for us.  Enable us to be joyful witnesses that Jesus is our consolation and that Jesus is our salvation.

We rejoice that Jesus has come among us as your Anointed One!

We rejoice that your Holy Spirit has enabled us to trust in Jesus!  

We give You all praise, honor and thanksgiving!  Amen.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Prayer for December 21-27, 2014
Sermon Text: Luke 1:26-38, 2:1-20; Matthew 1:18-25

That our one word to You will be “Yes”

God of surprising newness, we are often unsettled and fearful when we realize that your messengers are speaking your word of truth to us.  Most of the time we would like things to go on as they are, but then You surprise us with your presence and we hardly know how to respond.

But you calm us.  You tell us not to be afraid.  You make promises of new life that we could not imagine on our own, just as You did with Mary when You promised that she would be the bearer of your Anointed One.

Give us courage like Mary’s.  Enable us to say, “Yes, I am your servant, God.  Yes, do as You please in and through my life.  Yes, let Christ live in and through me so that others may see your glory.”  

When You come to us with your word of newness, let our one word be “Yes!”  Amen. 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Prayer for December 14-20, 2014
Sermon Text: John 1:6-9, 19-28; Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11

That your light of truth may penetrate the darkest recesses of our lives

You who are Light, You who created light, You who sent John to witness to the Light and who sent Jesus as Light of the World, we rejoice in You!

Let the light of your truth penetrate every dimension of our existence, including the darkest recesses of our heart and mind.

Let us be transformed by your Light so that joy and generosity energize us to follow Jesus’ example as bearers of good news, as people who act for liberation, healing and comfort.  

May righteousness and praise spring up among your people (including us) in such beauty and fruitfulness that the nations rejoice in You.  Amen.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Prayer for December 7-13, 2014 
Sermon Text: Mark 1:1-8, Isaiah 40:1-11

That our lives may be reordered by your Spirit

Merciful God, we rejoice that You sent John the Baptizer to cry aloud in the wilderness and to urge your people to prepare for your renewed and renewing presence among them.

We rejoice that You still send prophets to cry aloud—even in our urban wildernesses—in order to call us to repentance, call us to reorder our lives, and prepare our hearts for Jesus, who still comes to us and acts among us in fresh ways.

Our repentance, our reordering, our open hearts are all accomplished through your enabling power, by your Holy Spirit who breathes in and through us with unbridled energy.  

We thank You for Jesus, your Chosen and Anointed One.  We thank You for your Holy Spirit with whom Jesus has baptized us.  We thank You for your unfailing presence among us.  Amen.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Prayer for November 30-December 6, 2014 
Sermon Text: Mark 13:24-37

That we may be prepared to see and worship You in your glory 

Christ Jesus, we await your return with hope, even though the signs that your return is near may shock and terrify many people.

Help us not to get caught up in the fruitless activity of trying to predict the time of your return, but give us discernment that we may act wisely in what may be the latter days.  

Help us to be alert for your presence each day.  Help us to be wise stewards of the resources You give us to use for your glory.  Help us to be vigilant and faithful in completing the tasks You have assigned to each of us.  Keep our hearts and minds focused on You and on your loving, reconciling desire for all of creation.  Prepare us to see and worship You in your glory.  Amen.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Prayer for November 23-29, 2014
Sermon Text: 25:31-46 & Ezekiel 24:12-16, 20-24

That our heart and hands may be open in compassion and generosity
God, we have experienced your loving care in many ways.  We want to assume that we are among those sheep whom You have rescued, gathered, healed, nurtured and given rest in your watchful presence.  We acclaim You as our Good Shepherd.

Let us not undermine our own identity as your flock, your people, by our responses to those whom Jesus identifies as his brothers and sisters, those who look to him in their weakness and need.  Let our hearts and hands be open in compassion and generosity for others as You have been compassionate and generous to us.

Help us not to narrow our sights and narrow our definition of who is “worthy” of compassion and generosity.  Help us to remember that we were lost and helpless when you gathered us to yourself.  Enable us to act with love to sister, brother, neighbor, stranger and enemy.  Give us the heart and mind of Christ so that we may serve others in gladness.  Prepare us to receive and share the inheritance that is ready for your compassionate ones.  Amen.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Prayer for November 16-22, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 25:14-30 
(but also drawing upon Psalm 90, Zephaniah 1, and 1 Thessalonians 5)

That we may be prepared for Christ’s return

God, we thank You for the promise that Jesus, who died and is risen, will return to reign forever and ever.  We thank You that your reign will come on earth as in heaven.  We devote all that we are and all that we have to You, even as we commit ourselves to love our neighbors as ourselves.

But at times we fear your judgment.  We fear that our dependence upon our wealth and our misuse of the resources you have entrusted to us will lead to our rejection.

Forgive us when we are gripped by fear.  Forgive us when we fail to be faithful stewards of the many gifts You have given us.  Enable us to be bold and creative stewards of your many gifts.  

Continue to instruct us in your ways.  Continue to remind us that You want us to share your joy, that You want us to experience your salvation, and that You consecrate us for your own purposes.  Remind us that we are children of light and children of the day, and enable us to live as light in this world that is so full of darkness.  Enable us to live our entire life in fellowship with Christ Jesus, so that when your day arrives, we may hear You say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”  Amen.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Prayer for November 9-15, 2014
Sermon Text: Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25

That we may be steadfast in our fidelity to You

Jealous and compassionate God, we rejoice in all that You have done in the history of Israel, through Christ Jesus, in the history of Christ’s church, and in our own lives.  You are our Creator and Savior.  You bless us with many gifts.  You walk with us through the joys and sorrows of our existence.  You are faithful beyond telling.

Enable us to be faithful to You.  Help us to stop hedging our bets about whether or not You are an adequate provider.  Help us to stop looking elsewhere for our security and fulfillment.  Help us to stop believing that other gods, whether we call them gods or not, can provide what we really need for a life that is abundant and fruitful.  Help us to reflect your holiness by holy living.

Forgive us when we turn from You, even if it is for just a moment.  Enable us to trust You without hesitation.  Enable us to trust only You for all that is essential.  

You are our God.  There is no other God.  We commit ourselves to You forever.  Amen.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Most weeks, my prayers relate to the gospel for the day or another key reading. The prayers for this week related more specifically to our congregation and our 125th anniversary celebration.

Litany of Thanksgiving:

Leader: God, you have been our dwelling place for all of our generations
People: and we rejoice in you.  
Leader: We lift our thoughts, voices and hands to you,
People: and give you all of our praise.
Leader: You have been our source of new life:
People: calling together those who formed this congregation,
Leader: staying with our predecessors through conflict and turmoil,
People: walking with them through the fire,
Leader: giving hope in the midst of loss,
People: enabling sacrifice and generosity,
Leader: providing wise and dedicated leadership,
People: generating new vision, and instilling love.
Leader: We acknowledge your faithfulness to your people Israel, to the church of 
            Jesus Christ throughout the ages, to our predecessors at St. Nicolai, and 
            to us.
People: We rejoice in you!
Leader: We acknowledge that you have given us many good partners or our 
People: We praise you with joy!
Leader: We acknowledge that everything good that we have experienced has 
            been your gift to us.
People: We thank you with hearts full of gratitude!
Leader: We acknowledge that you are continuously surprising us by your 
            goodness to us.
People: We celebrate your unfailing love!
Leader: We acknowledge that you are the one who brings new life among us 
            in many forms.
People: Though many of us are growing old, you still enable us to soar 
            like eagles, to run without growing weary, and to walk without 
            growing faint.
All:       All of our rejoicing, all of our praise, and all of our thanksgiving 
            are for you, God, our Creator and our Redeemer.  Amen.

Prayer for Healing:

Leader: God of mercy, show your healing power among us.
People: Heal our bodies of every sickness.
Leader: Heal those who mourn
People: Particularly the family of our sister, Edith Snyder, who was buried 
Leader: Heal our hearts whether they have been wounded by love or hatred.
People: Heal every broken relationship that we endure with pain and 
Leader: Heal the hurts that we have done to each other.
People: Enable us to repent of the injuries we have caused.
Leader: Enable us to forgive those who have injured us.
People: Heals any hurts that exist between us and our guest 
Leader: Heal the hurts that keep rising up out of our past.
People: Heal our relationship with the Chicago Metropolitan Association 
            and the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ.
Leader: God, we long to live fully in the liberation and peace that you desire for 
People: Let your healing Spirit move among us!  Amen.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Prayer for October 26-November 1, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 22:34-46

That our questions will help us align our lives with You

Jesus, when we ask questions of You, let them not be raised in a spirit of cynicism or resistance, but with the intention of learning from You, walking with You, and aligning every aspect of our being with You.

We rejoice in your faithfulness to your own heritage that expected complete and energetic devotion to God coupled with energetic and loving response to the needs of neighbors.  

Enable us to practice loving action that arises from hearts that are shaped by your word for us and your presence among us.  Let our love for God and our love for our neighbors reinforce each other for a deepening practice of fidelity.  Help us to give ourselves to You without reservation.  Amen.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Prayer for October 19-25, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 22:15-22

That we may be transformed by the truth of Jesus’ teaching

God, prevent us from being among those who claim to honor the integrity, independence and truth of Jesus’ teaching, while resisting him, strenuously, in our hearts and minds.

Soften our hearts to receive Jesus’ presence.  Open our minds so that we may hear and be transformed by the truth of Jesus’ teaching.  Move us beyond any verbal or mental jousting with Jesus, so that we may fully recognize him as Agent of your reign among us and may follow him in utter devotion to You, so that You receive all of the devotion, loyalty, obedience and honor that You are due.  

With the help of your Holy Spirit, we gladly put our whole selves, and every resource that You have provided, at your disposal for your good pleasure.  Amen.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Prayer for October 12-18, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 22:1-14

That we may set aside any obstacle to celebrating at your great banquet

O God, how often do we disdain your gifts because we have created our own personal and corporate agendas that have little to do with you?  How often we seem ignorant of the great invitation You have given us to feast at your table and dwell in your presence.

We choose lesser satisfactions and miss the great privilege You offer.  We choose business and busy-ness over communion with You and with each other.

Forgive us.  Give us a clear understanding of what You offer.

We realize that we have been invited to your banquet because others have refused to come.*  Prevent us from acting in the same foolish, bullheaded way.  

Let us come into your presence with gladness.  Let us sing your praise with joy.  Let us feast with You in the friendship You have offered to us and made possible.  Help us to set aside any obstacle to celebrating your generosity in your presence and rejoicing in the marriage of Christ and his church.  Amen.  

*This statement is true in the context of the parable.  However, God's intention to bless all peoples is expressed, in scripture, as early as his covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12:2-3.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Prayer for October 5-11, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:33-46

That we will not confuse stewardship and possession

God, our Creator, the earth and its fullness are yours.  The covenants of blessing and peace are yours.  We rejoice in You!

But sometimes we confuse ourselves and conclude that we are lords—conclude that we are more than stewards—and attempt to possess all things for ourselves.  Somehow we conclude that we can have the best of everything without You.

How fooolish we are when we claim what is yours for ourselves.  How foolish we are when our hearts and hands turn to violence in order to keep what You have entrusted to us as stewards.  How foolish we are when we reject the compassionate, generous, peacemaking way of Jesus for anxious grasping after more.

Forgive us for our foolishness.  Forgive us when we choose anxious grasping over thoughtful reception of your bountiful gifts.  

Make us faithful in holiness, compassion, generosity and love as we welcome Jesus’ presence, authority and gifts in every dimension of our lives.  Amen.

Prayer for September 28-October 4, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:23-32

That our whole lives may say “Yes” to Jesus

God, we rejoice in Jesus’ unity with You that was expressed through a life of glad obedience; single-minded pursuit of your mission of redemption, liberation, healing and peace; authoritative teaching that exposed each heart to your truth; and decisive action that demonstrated that your sovereign reign is present among us, in Jesus, even now.

Do not allow us to question Jesus with hearts and minds that are hardened to the truth, but help us to ask the questions that enable us to align our lives more fully with Jesus’ instruction and call upon our lives. 

Enable us to walk with Jesus in faithful obedience, even in those moments when we are not particularly inclined to do so.  Prevent us from saying “Yes” to Jesus with our mouth and then “No” to Jesus with our hands and feet.

Do not let our religious practices get in the way of deep devotion, but let them stimulate greater devotion to You.  Enable us to be repentant, to turn to You, when Jesus’ word calls us to newness.  Amen.

Prayer for September 21-27, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 20:1-16

That your glad welcome will characterize us

O God, we rejoice in You and in your unexpected and extravagant generosity.  We rejoice that You bestow abundant blessing and peace upon all who turn to You, all who follow Jesus in lives of glad and free obedience.

We rejoice that You make no distinction between those of us who began to walk with Jesus in the early days of our lives and those who joined the journey in the midst of their lives, or even in their later years.  

Let your glad welcome become characteristic of us too.  Help us to rejoice together in You.  Keep us from jealousy or judgment toward one another.  Stir us to praise whenever the ranks of those who follow Jesus swell in number and swell with praise to You.  Amen.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Prayer for September 14-20, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 18:21-35

That we may release all of our claims on each other

Forgiving God, enable us to be generously forgiving with others, just as You have been with us.  Keep us from keeping track of each others’ offenses.  Keep us from believing that forgiveness is a commodity in short supply, or that we have fulfilled our responsibility to forgive when we have forgiven others on a few occasions.

Help us to be mindful of the great debt You have forgiven for us.  Fill us with gratitude and joy.  Enable us to turn our faces to each other in that mode of gratitude and joy, so that we may celebrate your great forgiveness together and release all of our claims upon each other.  

We rejoice that You have forgiven what we could not pay.  We promise to forgive others by your Spirit’s aid.  Amen.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Prayer for September 7-13, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 18:15-20

That we may hold each other accountable in love

God of all, help us to be responsible for each other and hold each other accountable in love.  When one of us sees another sin, give us courage and compassion to confront that brother or sister with truth and gentleness and discretion.

Do not let us get caught up in trying to catch one another in sin.  But do not let us turn a blind eye to blatant sin that diminishes or enslaves our sister or brother and weakens the community of faith.

Help us to practice communal discipline that begins with each of us doing all we can to align our lives with your word and encouraging each other in doing so.  Help us help each other to be more closely linked to You through your Spirit active among us.  

May we prayerfully seek reconciliation with and for each other, so that we may be fully one in Christ.  We ask in the name of Jesus who has promised his presence with us.  Amen.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Prayer for August 31-September 6, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 16:21-28

That we may give ourselves fully to God’s plan to redeem and heal the world

Jesus, help us to remember that You have called your disiciples to take up their own crosses as they follow You.  Help us to remember that the way in which You lead us is not a smoothly paved path that is fenced off from all potential harm.

Enable us to trust You even when You lead us through rough and dangerous places.  Enable us to trust You enough to endure opposition and even persecution for our faith.  Enable us to die to selfish ambition and set aside our own plans for our lives in order to answer your call.  Help us to give ourselves fully to You and to God’s plan to redeem and heal the world through You.

We trust in your reign among us, even though much of what we observe suggests that your reign is still far off.   

Let us honor You with our actions as your Spirit helps and guides us.  Amen.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Prayer for August 24-30, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 16:13-20

That everything in our lives will conform to the devotion that is due to Jesus

God our Creator, thank You for revealing yourself in Jesus.  Thank You for revealing that Jesus is your Anointed One, Sovereign over every nation and over all that You have made.

Enable us to see Jesus clearly and follow Jesus quickly.

Do not let us be divided in our loyalty by trying to practice absolute fidelity to
          Jesus . . . and our nation;
          Jesus . . . and our political party;
          Jesus . . . and our family;
          Jesus . . . and our wealth;
          Jesus . . . and anything else that is part of your creation.

Help us to realize that all other allegiances must be guided, critiqued, and modified to conform to the absolute devotion that is due to Jesus, who reigns among us as your agent of compassion and healing.  

Enable us to act as agents of your reign, in Christ, by acting in ways that bind people, structures and systems to You for your glory and honor.  Amen.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Prayer for August 17-23, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 15:10-28

That we have been healed, nourished and identified as people of faith

Jesus, we rejoice in You.  We rejoice that when You came among your covenant people to gather, heal and renew them in faithfulness to God’s reign, You also touched the lives of foreigners and strangers who saw, in You, the answer to their deepest needs and hopes.

We were strangers and outsiders to God’s promises to Israel, but we have eaten the crumbs that fell from the full table You provided for Israel, and we have been healed and nourished and identified as people of faith because of your generous provision. 

Enable us to trust You deeply.  Enable us to live in joyful gratitude for your diverse gifts that cover every need.  We await with joy the day when You will host your grand banquet for all whom You have drawn together and identified as your own.  Amen.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Prayer for August 10-16, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 14:22-33

That we may go with courage wherever You send us

Jesus—our Leader, Teacher, Savior and Friend—how easily we forget that You can do all things, even after we have seen You act with authority and power that inspire both humility and awe.

We do not want to walk on water, Jesus.  But we do want to go with courage to all of the places You send us.  We do want to trust You in every circumstance.  We do want to keep our eyes on You and follow your example of compassionate care for those who are hungry for food, as well as for those who long for God’s presence. 

Deepen our faith.  Strengthen our resolve.  Give us courage for every moment of opportunity and every time of trial.  We trust You as fully as we can.  Amen.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Prayer for August 3-9, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 14:13-21

That we may assist those who hunger for food and hunger for You

God of all, we rejoice that You are merciful and compassionate.  We rejoice in your healing power.  We rejoice in your desire to feed the hungry.  And we rejoice that You are able to use Jesus’ followers as agents of your ample provision, even when we do not fully understand or trust your ability to provide for every need and satisfy every heart.  

God, enable us to see with compassion as Jesus did.  Enable us to be glad agents of your healing and provision for those who hunger for food and hunger for You.  Multiply our efforts as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish.  May your name be praised as we act in trust.  Amen.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Prayer for July 27-August 2, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Sovereign God, we rejoice that what You began in a small, but strategic way, through Jesus and his followers, is spreading throughout the earth in unseen, but sure ways, until everything is touched by your reign, and your will is done on earth as in heaven.

Help us to recognize your presence and reign for what it is—treasure of unequaled value—so that we are willing to risk everything and spend every resource in order to experience the fullness and freedom of life that is available through your generous reign.  

Help us to be ready for and responsive to You.  Help us to utilize all the gifts You give us in order to live for your glory.  May Christ, your Greatest Gift, be our guide.  Amen.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Prayer for July 20-26, 2014 
Sermon Text: Romans 8:12-25

That we may be agents of healing for each other and for creation

God, our Creator, You have connected us to creation by shaping us from the raw materials of creation.  You have connected us to You by making us in your image, breathing your breath into us, and then by renewing us in the image of Christ and filling us with your Spirit.

We rejoice in your generous creativity even as we acknowledge that creation itself is wounded and groans for healing and renewal that will only be achieved when You have fully renewed us and revealed your glory in us.

We await with hope the day when we, and all of creation, will be liberated from decay for a life of wholeness, abundant fruitfulness, and radiant splendor.  

Work within us and equip us to be agents of healing for each other and for your creation.  All our hope is in You and in the Healing One who has come among us.  Amen.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Prayer for July 13-19, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Christ Jesus, we rejoice that you are continuously teaching us, continuously guiding us into the life of abundance and fruitfulness that you desire for us.

Do not let us be people who hear your word, but fail to comprehend because of the hardness of our hearts.  Till the soil of our lives so that we are open and receptive to the seed of your word.  Help us to hear you well.

Protect us from the one who would snatch your word from us and keep us from receiving or understanding it.

Enable us to understand that the life of faith is a daily journey that lasts a lifetime, so that we do not burn up after a brief flash of enthusiasm.

Enable us to focus on you so that our faith is not entangled and choked by the concerns of our daily lives.  Let us live in freedom from anxiety by trusting you deeply.

Make us fruitful with many kinds of fruit: holy character, deeds of love, and new companions for the journey who have encountered You through our obedient and joyful life together.  

We rejoice that You have given us ears to hear.  We continue to listen in grateful anticipation.  Amen.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Prayer for: July 6-12, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

That we will not be guided by the fickle standards of those who reject You

Jesus do not let us be guided by or judge ourselves by the fickle standards of those who rejected John for expressing his devotion to God through disciplined self-denial, and then rejected You for your open hospitality and friendship for those deemed sinful, traitorous, or otherwise unacceptable.

Enable us to stay focused on You and on the model of service You have set for us as we try to act wisely by doing abundant good works in gratitude and joy for your unfailing generosity to us.

We claim no wisdom of our own but we rejoice that the Holy One has been revealed to us through your presence and action.  We rejoice also in the authority and priority that God has given You in our lives.  

We have answered your call, come to You, and found rest from the many burdens we once carried.  Enable us to worship and work in the freedom from anxiety that You create for us.  Give us the wisdom to remember that You are shaping and guiding our lives for your good purpose.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Prayer for June 29-July 5, 2014:
Sermon Text: Matthew 10:40-42

That our acts of hospitality will support the prophetic ministry of the church

Loving God, we rejoice that You have welcomed us into your presence through the servanthood of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Teacher, Model, and Friend.  We rejoice that You have welcomed us as your own and given us all the gifts we need in order to live faithfully and fruitfully.

Thank You for the many opportunities You have given us to practice hospitality.  Let our hearts and homes and wallets be open to act generously, just as You have extended generosity to us.

May our acts of hospitality support the prophetic ministry of Christ’s church and extend your righteous reign among us.

May all of our actions please You and bring You glory.  We will receive whatever reward You give with gratitude.  Amen.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Prayer for June 22-28, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 10:24-39

That reverence for God will overcome fear of opposition

Jesus, we delight to serve You and learn from You as your disciples.  We know that as we follow You, we are not exempt from the resistance, opposition and persecution You faced.  We may be as vulnerable as sheep among wolves, but we will follow your example by refusing to meet opposition with insult and violence.

Help us to be more like You.  Help us not to be afraid of those who oppose the message You give us, but enable us to speak the word You whisper to us with courage and openness.

Let our reverence for God overcome any fear we may have of those who oppose your word.  Enable us to trust in God’s presence and help with the assurance that God places great value on our lives.

We acknowledge You, publicly, and trust that You will continue to be our Advocate in God’s presence.

We place highest priority on our relationship with You and place all other relationships within the framework of fidelity to You. 

We accept whatever cross of suffering You call us to bear in your name, even as we devote our whole life, and every resource, to You, our source of life that is abundant and real.  Amen. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Prayer for June 15-21, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 28:16-20

That we may go where You lead with enthusiasm and energy

Christ Jesus, we rejoice that God has raised You to life and given You authority over all of creation.  We hopefully await the day when your authority is fully acknowledged and faithfully heeded in a renewed heaven and earth.

Help us to respond to your authority by glad obedience and love.  Enable us to fulfill the commission You have given us.  Give us enthusiasm and energy to go where You lead us.  Help us to internalize your word, and your example, so that we may teach others your ways.  Give us the privilege of baptizing many in your name, so that they may live for your glory.  

We hold fast to your promise of unbroken companionship as we witness in your name.  Amen.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Prayer for June 8-14, 2014 
Sermon Texts: Acts 2:1-21; John 20:19-23

That we may live as your free and energetic witnesses
     God, our Creator and Redeemer, we rejoice in the gift of your Spirit that You have given so generously to all who follow Jesus.  We rejoice when it is given in quiet moments as Christ reveals himself alive and present with us.  We rejoice, also, in the dramatic moments that amaze with sound and signs that baffle us even as they energize us.
     Since You have given your Spirit so freely and fully, we want to live as your free and energetic witnesses and servants in the world.

     Give us understanding of what You are doing among us.  Enable us to interpret our experience in the light of the scriptures that You have inspired.  Unleash our tongues so that we may declare your wonders, so that others may perceive your glory, turn to You, receive your promises, and participate in the abundant life of salvation.  Amen.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Prayer for June 1-7, 2014
Sermon Text: John 17:1-11

That our belief and faithful action will bring glory to You

Jesus, we thank You for your prayer for your disciples.  Since we too have been called to follow You by the words of apostles, preachers, teachers, and friends through whom You spoke, we know that your prayer is also for us, and we rejoice.

We acknowledge your authority over our lives and rejoice in the eternal life You have given to us as You have revealed and enabled us to know the Eternal One.

We rejoice that You completed your work of redemption and that God has glorified You in our presence.  We pray that what You have accomplished will become more fully evident in this world that we inhabit.

When moments of doubt arise, deepen our assurance that You have spoken truth to us.  Protect us from the world that constantly threatens the unity that You have created among us.  

May our belief and faithful action bring glory to You.  Amen.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Prayer for May 25-31, 2014 
Sermon Text: John 14:15-21

That our lives may move in step with your lead

Christ Jesus, we long to be faithful servants who hear and obey your word with gladness.  Help us to listen!  Help us to act with creative and courageous faith!

We rejoice that we have received the Holy Spirit as Advocate and Companion, who is with and within us, to help us to live as people of truth.  Comfort and reassure us by the Spirit’s presence.  Enable us to see You and to live the life You intend for us—life transformed by the power and love of God.

May your Holy Spirit enable us to see more fully the unity between You and the Father and between You and us, so that our lives move in step with your lead.  

We devote ourselves to You through obedience to your commands.  We love You and receive your love with hearts that are wounded but open to your presence and healing action.  Amen.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Prayer for May 18-24, 2014 
Sermon Text: John 14:1-14

That we may love, heal, restore and liberate in Jesus’ name

God of all, we rejoice that You have revealed yourself to us in Christ Jesus.  We rejoice that You have drawn us to yourself, made us your own, and prepared us for enduring life in your presence.

We thank You for Jesus’ surprising promise that his disciples would do greater works than he did, and we rejoice that Christ’s followers have often been agents of healing and liberation, touching millions and millions of lives with your life-giving love.

We also acknowledge, with sorrow and shame, that many who claim to follow Jesus have acted as agents of hatred, destruction and bondage.  Forgive us when we act in such ways.  Transform us!

Erase any doubts that You are able to do your work through us.  Enable us to believe and receive Jesus’ promise in fresh ways.  Enable us to act as Jesus did.  Enable us to love, heal, restore and liberate in Jesus’ name and for your glory.  

We ask because Jesus has promised to answer our prayer.  Amen.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Prayer for May 11-17, 2014
Sermon Text: John 10:1-10

That we may flock to You in gratitude

Christ, our Shepherd, we rejoice that You have come to us to tend us and guide us.  We rejoice that You have called us each by name and that You have enabled us to recognize your voice and enabled us to distinguish it from the voices of impostors who would call us to our ruin.

Forgive us when we are enticed by those deceiving voices!  Call us back to You!

Thank You for providing the way of salvation for us.  Thank You for leading us to that which truly nurtures us and for making it possible for us to live life that is filled with all of the goodness that You desire for us.  

All that we have that is truly meaningful and valuable comes from You.  We come to You in gratitude as your own flock.  Amen. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Prayer for May 4-10, 2014
Luke 24:13-35

That we may see your body as we share broken bread

O Christ Jesus, forgive us!  It does not take great catastrophe and shattered hopes for us to fail to see your presence and action in our lives.  The simple drone and buzz of our ordinary days are enough to keep us from perceiving that You are alive among us and that You are walking with us in the midst of both our joys and our sorrows.

Forgive us!  Teach us from your word!  Give us understanding!  Enable us to see more clearly the presence of your reign and the effectiveness of your authority among us.  

Enable us to see your body as we eat broken bread with thanksgiving.  Let resurrection joy fill our hearts and propel us into the world for glad witness and service.  Amen.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Prayer for April 27-May 3, 2014 
Sermon Text: John 20:19-31

That we may trust your Living Word and Untamed Spirit

Almighty God, we rejoice that You have raised Jesus from the dead.  We rejoice that Jesus has met us in the midst of our doubts and fears, spoken peace to us, and enabled us to rejoice in the new life you give.

Thank You that Jesus has breathed your Spirit upon us and has sent us to continue the work that he began. 

God, we thank You for entrusting your disciples with authority to forgive sins.  May your Spirit give us hearts that desire forgiveness and reconciliation, but also the wisdom to discern when forgiveness may not be appropriate.  Let us represent You truly and compassionately.

God, help us keep our hearts open to You.  Help us to receive the witness of our sisters and brothers to Christ’s living presence among us.  Help us to trust You because your Living Word and your Untamed Spirit are loose among us.

We praise You that Jesus’ life touches our own in indescribable ways!  Amen.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Prayer for April 20-26, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 28:1-20

That we may tell, teach and baptize in all the world

God of glory, we rejoice in You!  We rejoice for the women who longed for Jesus and sought out his tomb.  We rejoice for earthquake and angelic vision.  We rejoice for good news: “He is not here; he has risen as he said!”  We rejoice for the empty tomb.  We rejoice for the commission the women received to tell good news to Jesus’ other disciples.  We praise You that in the midst of fear and joy the women met Jesus, alive, and worshiped him.  We rejoice that the disciples met Jesus in Galilee and worshiped him there.  We rejoice that they were authorized to teach all nations what Jesus had commanded and baptize in Jesus’ name.      

We thank You that we too have heard the good news of Jesus’ resurrection, that we have encountered him alive and worshiped him, that we have been baptized and instructed in Jesus’ name and Jesus’ ways, and that we have been commissioned to tell, teach and baptize in all the world.  Amen.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday prayer: April 18, 2014
Matthew 26:15-27:66

Here is one of the prayers I have written for today's worship.

Merciful God, we rejoice in your great mercy even as our hearts grow heavy while we consider all that Jesus endured on behalf of his people—including us. 

We ache knowing that Jesus was betrayed by one who walked with him daily, disowned by another, and abandoned by all who said they would die with him.  We acknowledge in sorrow that we too have abandoned him in moments of threat.

We grow angry when we consider the carnival of justice—cultivated deceit, midnight machinations, and abdicated responsibility—that Jesus endured without defending himself.  We acknowledge in sorrow that our deceits contributed to his unjust condemnation.   

We are pierced as we remember that Jesus was struck, spit upon, insulted, beaten, executed, and mocked as he hung dying with his arms stretched out before the world.  We acknowledge in sorrow that our actions contributed to Jesus’ pain and death. 

Merciful God, we have received your mercy and we are reminded of your mercy, yet again, as we consider all that Jesus endured on our behalf.  Receive our glad worship that is tinged with sorrow today.  Amen.
Prayers for Maundy Thursday: April 17, 2014
John 13:1-38

Here are two prayers I wrote for last night's worship. 

God of all, forgive us!  Forgive us for being slow to understand that to follow Jesus we must serve one another.  Forgive us for overestimating our self-sufficiency and closing our hearts to service from our sisters and brothers.  Give us the attitude of Christ Jesus so that we may both serve and be served with gladness. 

Forgive us for arrogantly overestimating the measure of our loyalty to you.  Forgive us when we betray you, deny you and abandon you.  May your Spirit fill us with courage and endurance so that we may remain faithful when our commitment to follow Jesus is challenged by those who doubt or oppose your healing work in the world.  Amen.

God of wisdom and compassion, we rejoice that you have called us together as one body, in Christ Jesus, who is the controlling and energizing center of our life together.  We rejoice that Jesus has befriended us, and that Jesus has given freely of himself so that we might experience the healing, peace, fruitfulness and love that you desire for us.  

We constantly keep the memory of Jesus’ service and sacrifice in our minds.  And we live and serve so that others will learn of Jesus and the significance of his death on behalf of the whole world.  May our worship, service and witness be pleasing to you.  Amen. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Prayer for April 13-19, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:1-17

Christ Jesus, help us to see you for who you are: God's Anointed Sovereign, God's Agent of Healing and New Life, God's Incarnate Love; Our Savior, Instructor, Guide, Companion and Friend.

Enable us to respond to your word for us with quick and glad obedience.  Enable us to sing and declare your praise without hesitation or embarrassment.

Let worship set the tone for everything we do.  Let prayer flow with our every breath.  Let us be abundantly fruitful in good works so that your name is praised.  Amen.