Monday, October 6, 2014

Prayer for October 5-11, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:33-46

That we will not confuse stewardship and possession

God, our Creator, the earth and its fullness are yours.  The covenants of blessing and peace are yours.  We rejoice in You!

But sometimes we confuse ourselves and conclude that we are lords—conclude that we are more than stewards—and attempt to possess all things for ourselves.  Somehow we conclude that we can have the best of everything without You.

How fooolish we are when we claim what is yours for ourselves.  How foolish we are when our hearts and hands turn to violence in order to keep what You have entrusted to us as stewards.  How foolish we are when we reject the compassionate, generous, peacemaking way of Jesus for anxious grasping after more.

Forgive us for our foolishness.  Forgive us when we choose anxious grasping over thoughtful reception of your bountiful gifts.  

Make us faithful in holiness, compassion, generosity and love as we welcome Jesus’ presence, authority and gifts in every dimension of our lives.  Amen.

Prayer for September 28-October 4, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:23-32

That our whole lives may say “Yes” to Jesus

God, we rejoice in Jesus’ unity with You that was expressed through a life of glad obedience; single-minded pursuit of your mission of redemption, liberation, healing and peace; authoritative teaching that exposed each heart to your truth; and decisive action that demonstrated that your sovereign reign is present among us, in Jesus, even now.

Do not allow us to question Jesus with hearts and minds that are hardened to the truth, but help us to ask the questions that enable us to align our lives more fully with Jesus’ instruction and call upon our lives. 

Enable us to walk with Jesus in faithful obedience, even in those moments when we are not particularly inclined to do so.  Prevent us from saying “Yes” to Jesus with our mouth and then “No” to Jesus with our hands and feet.

Do not let our religious practices get in the way of deep devotion, but let them stimulate greater devotion to You.  Enable us to be repentant, to turn to You, when Jesus’ word calls us to newness.  Amen.

Prayer for September 21-27, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 20:1-16

That your glad welcome will characterize us

O God, we rejoice in You and in your unexpected and extravagant generosity.  We rejoice that You bestow abundant blessing and peace upon all who turn to You, all who follow Jesus in lives of glad and free obedience.

We rejoice that You make no distinction between those of us who began to walk with Jesus in the early days of our lives and those who joined the journey in the midst of their lives, or even in their later years.  

Let your glad welcome become characteristic of us too.  Help us to rejoice together in You.  Keep us from jealousy or judgment toward one another.  Stir us to praise whenever the ranks of those who follow Jesus swell in number and swell with praise to You.  Amen.

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