Monday, July 28, 2014

Prayer for July 27-August 2, 2014 
Sermon Text: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Sovereign God, we rejoice that what You began in a small, but strategic way, through Jesus and his followers, is spreading throughout the earth in unseen, but sure ways, until everything is touched by your reign, and your will is done on earth as in heaven.

Help us to recognize your presence and reign for what it is—treasure of unequaled value—so that we are willing to risk everything and spend every resource in order to experience the fullness and freedom of life that is available through your generous reign.  

Help us to be ready for and responsive to You.  Help us to utilize all the gifts You give us in order to live for your glory.  May Christ, your Greatest Gift, be our guide.  Amen.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Prayer for July 20-26, 2014 
Sermon Text: Romans 8:12-25

That we may be agents of healing for each other and for creation

God, our Creator, You have connected us to creation by shaping us from the raw materials of creation.  You have connected us to You by making us in your image, breathing your breath into us, and then by renewing us in the image of Christ and filling us with your Spirit.

We rejoice in your generous creativity even as we acknowledge that creation itself is wounded and groans for healing and renewal that will only be achieved when You have fully renewed us and revealed your glory in us.

We await with hope the day when we, and all of creation, will be liberated from decay for a life of wholeness, abundant fruitfulness, and radiant splendor.  

Work within us and equip us to be agents of healing for each other and for your creation.  All our hope is in You and in the Healing One who has come among us.  Amen.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Prayer for July 13-19, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Christ Jesus, we rejoice that you are continuously teaching us, continuously guiding us into the life of abundance and fruitfulness that you desire for us.

Do not let us be people who hear your word, but fail to comprehend because of the hardness of our hearts.  Till the soil of our lives so that we are open and receptive to the seed of your word.  Help us to hear you well.

Protect us from the one who would snatch your word from us and keep us from receiving or understanding it.

Enable us to understand that the life of faith is a daily journey that lasts a lifetime, so that we do not burn up after a brief flash of enthusiasm.

Enable us to focus on you so that our faith is not entangled and choked by the concerns of our daily lives.  Let us live in freedom from anxiety by trusting you deeply.

Make us fruitful with many kinds of fruit: holy character, deeds of love, and new companions for the journey who have encountered You through our obedient and joyful life together.  

We rejoice that You have given us ears to hear.  We continue to listen in grateful anticipation.  Amen.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Prayer for: July 6-12, 2014
Sermon Text: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30

That we will not be guided by the fickle standards of those who reject You

Jesus do not let us be guided by or judge ourselves by the fickle standards of those who rejected John for expressing his devotion to God through disciplined self-denial, and then rejected You for your open hospitality and friendship for those deemed sinful, traitorous, or otherwise unacceptable.

Enable us to stay focused on You and on the model of service You have set for us as we try to act wisely by doing abundant good works in gratitude and joy for your unfailing generosity to us.

We claim no wisdom of our own but we rejoice that the Holy One has been revealed to us through your presence and action.  We rejoice also in the authority and priority that God has given You in our lives.  

We have answered your call, come to You, and found rest from the many burdens we once carried.  Enable us to worship and work in the freedom from anxiety that You create for us.  Give us the wisdom to remember that You are shaping and guiding our lives for your good purpose.  Amen.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Prayer for June 29-July 5, 2014:
Sermon Text: Matthew 10:40-42

That our acts of hospitality will support the prophetic ministry of the church

Loving God, we rejoice that You have welcomed us into your presence through the servanthood of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Teacher, Model, and Friend.  We rejoice that You have welcomed us as your own and given us all the gifts we need in order to live faithfully and fruitfully.

Thank You for the many opportunities You have given us to practice hospitality.  Let our hearts and homes and wallets be open to act generously, just as You have extended generosity to us.

May our acts of hospitality support the prophetic ministry of Christ’s church and extend your righteous reign among us.

May all of our actions please You and bring You glory.  We will receive whatever reward You give with gratitude.  Amen.