Monday, December 17, 2018

Prayer for December 16-22, 2018 
Sermon Text: Luke 3:7-18

That we may produce good fruit for your just reign

God of just judgment, we await with anticipation the day when your reign will fill earth as fully as it now fills heaven. Some days we have little hope because our eyes are filled with images of violence and deceit. Some days we have little hope because we realize the depths of our own deceitfulness and greed. Infuse us with new hope for the future You are creating in your faithfulness.

Melt our resistance to your word. Rebuke us when we point to our heritage as a substitute for living in faithful, fruitful ways. 

Enable us to hear your ongoing call to repentance. Let your Spirit fill us and ignite change among us that will prepare the way so that others may live freely, fruitfully, and full of joy in your peaceful reign. Amen.

Prayer for December 9-15, 2018 
Sermon Text: Luke 3:1-6

That we may hear your voice of promise and be that word for others

God of Exodus, we worship You! We rejoice that You led your people out of bondage in Egypt and Babylon. We rejoice that You led other oppressed peoples home or created new homes for them.

We rejoice that You liberated slaves from bondage in our own country and in many places around the world. We rejoice that You have led many on long walks, through desolate spaces, to places of freedom and fruitfulness.

Keep doing your work of liberation! Keep sending prophets to prepare the way for homecoming and freedom. Let all who now live in servitude be released for new life.

And let us, God of mercy, move with trust through the wildernesses that we have created by our greed, addictions, fear and hatred. Release us from all that keeps us from being your faithful people. Lead us to our true selves: selves made for worship, stewardship, compassion, and companionship. 

Enable us to hear the voice of promise for ourselves. Let us be the voice of promise for others. Amen.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Prayer for December 2-8, 2018 
Sermon Text: Luke 12:25-36

Tune our hearts to treasure what You value most

Generous Provider, we worry so much—some of us incessantly—but we neither enrich nor lengthen our lives by doing so. Help us to set aside our many worries!

Enable us to trust You more completely. Give us accurate understanding of our true needs. Help us to receive your many gifts with gratitude.

Enable us to receive your reign with gladness and thanksgiving. Tune our hearts and minds so that we treasure the things that You value most, that You desire and make secure for us.

Train us to set aside all worry about food, drink, clothing, and everything else we worry about, in order to seek the consummation of your reign among us by acts of faithful witness, service and compassion—including providing for those who lack food, drink, clothing and other necessities. 

Help us to live in constant readiness to welcome your presence among us. Amen.

Prayer for November 25-December 1 2018 
Sermon Text: John 18:28-40

That we may be true and truthful followers

Jesus - You were among us as one who spoke and embodied truth. You instructed in ways that demonstrated that truth is not limited to propositional statements and direct claims, but is often symbolic, parabolic, playful, elusive, even paradoxical.

You also showed that truth is a quality of relationships of solidarity and compassion that bring healing, liberation, forgiveness, restoration, and energy for new life.

Truth, as embodied and spoken, throughout your ministry, was often resisted, especially by those who seemed most religious or righteous, those whose lives were most settled and secure. We are saddened that it is no different among us today.

Some days we are as cynical as Pilate. Other days we subtly resist allowing truth to permeate our relationships with others because it is much easier to argue about propositional and credal statements or political agendas—to cling to the high ground we believe we hold as we contend with others--than it is to embody truth in our responses to one another. 

Truthful One, let us come to You. Enable us to be true and truthful followers. Amen.