Friday, April 7, 2017


Day 33 – Friday
Acts 4:32-35

     God of wonders, we rejoice in You. And we rejoice that You are able to do amazing things through your people when we are wholly committed to You and your word. You are able to do great things among us as we commit ourselves to building upon the foundation of unity that You have created for our life together. You are able to bring forgiveness, healing, liberation, peace and justice, within and beyond the church, as we extend ourselves in order to assure that the needs of all are met.
     God of all, You have been abundantly generous with us. Let grateful generosity become characteristic of our lives. Help us to remember that the many resources we enjoy are yours, and that we are your stewards. Help us to release the iron grip that we hold on these resources in order to free them for your rescuing, renewing work in the world. 
     As we share more fully the resources that You have provided, may our lives be a witness to your incomparable mercy and faithfulness. Give us joy in sharing that goes beyond any hope of reward. Amen.

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