Prayer for November 24-30, 2013
Sermon Text: Colossians 1:9-20
That we may be full
participants in your work of reconciliation
God, our Creator, we rejoice in You and in Jesus, your Son,
who is the perfect portrayal, the full expression of your presence among us,
and through whom You created all things.
We rejoice that Jesus is Sovereign, even over all powers and
authorities, and that he holds all things together in coherent form.
We rejoice that
our lives hold together in Jesus, and that his resurrection bears great promise
for us. We rejoice that through him, and
through the agony and bloodshed of the cross he endured, You have brought all
creation into unity with yourself.
We see only
glimpses of that unity now, but we pray for and await its complete unfolding in
the world.
Enable us to be
full participants in your work of reconciliation by filling us with wisdom and
understanding, so that we may be faithful servants in all kinds of good works
as we are guided and energized by your Spirit.
We rejoice in
You. We thank You for liberating us from
the oppression and control of sin. We
rejoice that You have offered us a share in the inheritance of your holy
Continue your work
of transformation and reconciliation within us, among us, and through us. Amen.