Sunday, October 25, 2015

Prayer for October 25-31, 2015 
Sermon Text: Mark 10:46-52

That we may have the faith that leads to healing

God of truth and mercy, give us the kind of faith that leads to healing.  Enable us to hope and trust in You with such unwavering intent that we receive the fullness of blessing and peace that You intend for us.

When we cry to You from our spiritual blindness, heal our sight.  Enable us to see your presence and action in the world around us.  Enable us to move forward into the light of truth that brightens our way.  Let us follow You as your healed people.

Forgive us when we doubt your ability to heal.  Forgive us when we fail to perceive the needs others have for your compassionate intervention. Forgive us when we become obstacles to others who seek your healing.  

Enable us to be compassionate and fruitful participants in your healing mission.  Amen.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Prayer for October 18-24, 2015 
Sermon Text: Mark 10:35-45

That we may abandon our imagined greatness and serve others with joy

Christ, You call us to follow You, but somehow we sometimes imagine that we are too good to simply follow.  Certainly we should be in charge of others!  Certainly others should be serving us and deferring to us and standing in awe of our greatness.  Certainly we should have special positions of honor close to your side.

You invite us to keep following You.  You assure us that if we do so we will have a share in your suffering and death.  You instruct us that the way of greatness is the way of service.  And you show us that way of service by your own daily example and by your suffering and death on our behalf, and on behalf of the entire creation.

Enable us to understand the life to which You have called us.  Enable us to set aside inflated visions of our own importance in order to follow your example of service to each other.  Enable us to set aside competition for highest honors among our sisters and brothers.

Forgive us when we think and act as though following You were meant to enhance our image and make others subservient to us.  Forgive us when we fail to give our lives in service of your reign and in service of our neighbors.  

Transform our pride into willing and joyful service.  Amen.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Prayer for October 11-17, 2015 
Sermon Text: Mark 10:17-31

That we may release our anxiety and cling to You in trust

Christ Jesus, how often our wealth limits our ability to hear your word and follow in your way.  We want it all – and heaven too!

We cling to our wealth.  We trust it.  We are controlled by resources that we believe we control.  We are unable to see the ways that we are deceived by our accumulations of money and other material resources.  We are unable to see the needs of many around us because we are anxious to hold onto what we have obtained, believing that our future is constantly under threat, but more fully secured by our wealth.  

Help us to release our anxiety and cling to you instead of to the wealth that has become such a powerful false god among us.  Help us to open our hands and share generously with our neighbors, particularly those who live with many unmet needs.  Help us to set aside whatever we must in order to follow where You lead us and participate in your community of joyful generosity. Amen.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Prayer for October 4-10, 2015 
Sermon Text: Mark 10:2-16

That our hard hearts will be softened to receive your word

Jesus, when we come to You, we often come hoping that You will allow us to pursue our own agendas and do things as we want to do them.  But You see our hardness of heart.  You recognize our attempts to manipulate You.  You know that we may not heed your instruction.

Still, You direct us to the heart of God’s desire for God’s people.  You call us to lives of enduring fidelity.  You call us to listen and obey.  You warn us not to rip apart the unity that God has created through marriage.  You warn us not to push each other into adultery.

We are so sophisticated that we can rationalize any choice we make.  We are arrogant and self-willed.  And You call us to be otherwise.  You call us to be like children.  You show us your love for those who are vulnerable as you bless them. You invite us to practice such love too. 

Forgive us for our arrogance.  Forgive us for treating others as disposable commodities.  Forgive us for abusing others, including our spouses, and driving them away.  Heal those for whom marriage is or was a great wound requiring escape.

Soften our hearts.  Enable us to put away our rationalizations, self-justifications, and desire to push every boundary.  

Enable us to welcome You and receive your word with the delight of children.  Amen.