Thursday, September 29, 2016

Prayer for October 9-15, 2016 
Sermon Text: Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7

That our vision may exceed our experience and understanding

God we know that many millions of people live as exiles from their people, homes and lands. We are not among them except as we have alienated ourselves from You and from those who have been significant shapers of our lives. We pray that You will be home to homesick exiles and that You will enable us to practice bold hospitality—welcoming strangers and acting in ways that bring comfort, healing and hope.

Wherever we find ourselves, we know that You have not abandoned us. You are not ignorant of the situations and places in which we live. You intend to use us for your purpose of blessing every people group throughout the entire world.

We place our lives in your hands. Give us vision that exceeds our limited experience and understanding. Enable us to seek the welfare of our neighbors, even those neighbors who think of us as enemies. Energize us to be the agents of your peace every place we go.  

We do not know what to expect, but You know, and we trust You.  Amen.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Prayer for September 25-October 1, 2016 
Sermon Text: Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15

That our lives may be more fully attuned to your covenant love

God of knowledge and wisdom, we rejoice and trust in You. We seek your face today.

But we confess that we frequently close our ears and our hearts to your word, so that we are ignorant of those aspects of our lives that are out of tune with your covenant love and in need of correction and transformation.

We confess that we expect a future of limited possibilities, and so we do all we can to try to secure our lives for ourselves instead of trusting that You, in your great faithfulness and creativity, will create and secure our lives anew.  

Speak your prophetic word to us through any agent You choose. Enable us to hear. Enable us to turn from the sin You have already defeated. Enable us to hope in You for real life. Amen.
Prayer for September 18-24, 2016 
Sermon Text: 1 Timothy 2:1-7

That your desire to redeem and illuminate all people will energize our prayer and action

God of all people and of all creation, we worship You and give you praise! You alone are worthy! You alone are God!

We confess, Holy One, that we are more inclined to pray for our circle of relatives and friends than we are to pray for all people. We confess that we are more likely to complain about inept or displeasing leadership than we are to pray that your Spirit will guide those in authority into wise action.

We confess that most of the time we are content enough with our own lives that we don’t much care if people outside our closest circles survive or thrive or experience your justice and peace.

Energize us for diligent prayer on behalf of our neighbors and those in authority. Give us a vision for a world of justice and peace that stirs us to persistent prayer and courageous, holy action. Fill us with deep compassion for neighbors and strangers that stirs us to declare and enact your love for them.  

May the truth of your desire to redeem and illuminate all people become evident in and through our lives as we follow and point to Jesus. Amen.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 11-17, 2016 
Sermon Text: 1 Timothy 1:12-17

That we may practice the “immense patience” You have shown to us

O God, our Strength and our Redeemer, we rejoice in your ability to transform life. We rejoice that You are able to overcome blasphemy, violence, ignorance, and unbelief by your costly mercy and love. We rejoice that You are able to turn brutal enemies of your people into courageous servants in your life-giving realm.

We are sinners, often rebellious and weak in faith. But we are thankful that Christ came to save sinners and that You have acted with “immense patience” toward us, enabling us to minister to others so that they might believe in Jesus Christ and receive the enduring life he gives.  

Sovereign One, we have seen your glory in Christ Jesus. All honor is yours! Amen!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Prayer for September 4-10, 2016
Sermon Text: Philemon 1-21

That we may help create paths to freedom for those who are enslaved

Liberating, Loving God, enable us to act in love in all of our relationships. Enable us to set aside our desire to control others and make them subservient to our will. Enable us to be people of forgiveness who forgive as we have been forgiven. Enable us to be dear sisters and brothers to one another, practicing hospitality and generosity with gladness.

Make us sensitive to the many forms of bondage and slavery that continue to exist in our world today. Help us discern desires and practices that are made possible by the exploitation, servitude and diminishment of other people, and enable us to alter those desires and practices in ways that help create paths to freedom.  

Open our eyes to see the ways of justice. Open our lips to speak a prophetic word that calls for your justice to be done. Shape our character and action to reflect your just ways. Amen.