Scripture texts: Luke 15:11-24; 2 Corinthians 5:14-20
Prayer for Unity
God of all people, we need you and we
need each other much more deeply than we are willing to say. We refuse your
love and care and we refuse our neighbors by a thousand strategies that keep
them at a distance and keep us from entering into full communion with them.
Enable us to set aside our stockpile of offensive and defensive strategies and
to embrace our neighbors as sisters and brothers, to welcome your presence in
our lives and in the lives of all whom you have placed among us. Help us to see
the diversity of those we encounter as a true gift from you. Help us to nurture
and build upon that gift by seeking to be of one heart and mind together, by
seeking to witness together to your love in the world, by seeking to serve
together all those who stand in need of forgiveness, healing, liberation and
hope. We are not able to bring your reign in fullness, but enable us to
cooperate fully as your coworkers, until your will is done on earth as in heaven. We are compelled by the love
of Christ to seek the fulfillment of Christ’s will among us, to act as Christ
has acted among us, to serve with gladness and joy. Let unity be more than a
slogan among us. Let it be lived experience that witnesses to who you have
revealed yourself to be. May the world be convinced of your presence and action
by the unity we live. Amen.