Prayer for June 10-16, 2018
Sermon Text: Mark 3:20-35
our hearts wide to the new vitality You bring
Jesus, You stood out among the prophets in so many ways, but not in
this: those who were fully invested in and fully certain of their theology or
politics resisted your odd teaching that offered new life.
They assumed You were crazy. They assumed You were possessed by a
destructive evil spirit. Your instruction and action challenged religious
control that condemned and excluded those who were on the margins of society.
You challenged the common politics of power and wealth.
So . . . You were demonized. And since You posed a threat to the
standard religion and politics of your day, You had to live your life under
Even now, You challenge the religion of certainty and control and
exclusion. Even now, You challenge the politics of power and wealth. Even now,
diligent following of your way is perceived as a threat to the powers that be.
Even now, we resist You.
Soften our hearts and open them wide to receive the new vitality that
You would bring among us. Amen.