Thursday, September 24, 2020

Prayer for September 20-26, 2020
Sermon Text: Exodus 16:1-15  

That we may follow your guidance with tenacity, hope, and joy  

God, our Deliverer, your presence is not always as clear to us as a pillar of fire and cloud, but help us to move in the direction of true freedom, as You guide us. Free our minds of nostalgia related to the various forms of bondage that we have endured. Help us to remember the many ways that You have acted on our behalf, so that we respond to the challenges of our journey with robust courage and unwavering hope. 

Enable us to voice our needs and concerns, even grievances, in direct, clear ways. Do not let us become stuck in our grumbling. Do not let us give up hope when our trials seem too much for us. 

Forgive us when we fail to trust You. Forgive us when we do give up hope that You will guide us into the future You have promised. Help us to discern what is true, good, and just. Forgive us when we accuse faithful leaders of leading us to our destruction. 

Enable us to obey your instruction and follow your guidance with tenacity, but also with hope and joy. Amen.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Prayer for September 13-19, 2020
Sermon Text: Exodus 14:19-31  

That we may be free of every form of bondage as we live in covenant communion with You  

God of freedom, guide us into true freedom that is based in trusting, following, and obeying You.  

Free us from the control of the false idols that we have shaped, or allowed others to shape for us – including wealth, social convention, a particular political point of view, military power, unlimited choice, and many other things. 

Free us from oppression, or, more likely in our case, oppressing others through the predatory actions of our corporations, economy, and military forces. 

Free us from our addictions and fears.  

Free us from the sins that often control us. 

Help us remember that You are able to undo every form of bondage. Let us call on your name, boldly, to free us from every snare. Help us to realize, and constantly remember, that our truest freedom comes from living in covenant communion with You and following You into the future of peace, justice, compassion, and delight that You are shaping for us. Amen.
Prayer for September 6-12, 2020
Sermon Text: Exodus 12:1-14 

That our memory of your works of salvation may energize us for faithful living  

God of the Exodus and God of the Cross, we rejoice in You. We rejoice in the works of salvation You have done on our behalf. We rejoice in the new creation that You have done among us. We rejoice in the way that You have bound us together and in the fact that You have provided resources that we may share as we remember You. 

Stir our memory so that we are always conscious of your acts of compassion and mercy on our behalf. Let our memory of your word and your action energize us for faithful living that demonstrates that You reign among us, even though we still await the fullness of that reign. 

Forgive us when we forget about your wonderful works on our behalf. Forgive us when we forget who we are. Forgive us when we forget that we are linked together as recipients of your generosity. 

Sharpen our memory. And let us express our freedom in You in acts of worshipful remembrance that are overflowing with joy. Amen.