Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Prayer for August 1-7, 2021
Sermon Text: John 6:24-35

That we may move beyond grumbling and accusations to walk with new energy as You lead

God of mercy and generosity, we rejoice in the many ways that You have nurtured and sustained us. Even when your provision has been a mystery to us - something that we could not identify as food for our travels - You have given us strength to endure a journey of many miles, and many years, through challenging hardships and in the face of much resistance.

We are inclined to forget the many ways You have provided for us. We are inclined to grumble when we do not get all for which we hope. We are inclined to accuse You, and the leaders whom You have called, of neglecting us, even plotting against us, when new liberties lead us into new difficulties that makes us feel helpless and trapped.

We rejoice that You are constantly giving us bread from heaven. And we rejoice most fully that Jesus Christ is the most enduring source of sustenance that You have provided for us. We rejoice that in Jesus, the Bread of Life, You nurture and energize us for continuing faithfulness in the challenges of our daily walk with You and with each other. Amen.
Prayer for July 11-17, 2021
Sermon Text: 2 Samuel 6:1-19, Ephesians 1:3-14

That we may give ourselves to You through wise disciplines and spontaneous outbursts of joy

God of grace and peace, we rejoice in the life that You have given us in Christ Jesus. We rejoice that You have sealed your promise to us by giving us your Holy Spirit as Comforter and Counselor and Source of energy for neighbor love, truthful witness, and radical justice.

Help us not to be too self-conscious as we give You praise for all that You have done for us. Enable us to throw off some of our inhibitions and let our bodies and voices declare your praise in extravagant ways. Let us abandon ourselves to You in both wise disciplines and spontaneous outbursts of joy.

We are yours. You have created and redeemed us. You have blessed us in many ways. You have provided us with many resources to carry on the ministry of Jesus in the world You love. May we do so with gratitude, generosity, and glad worship. Amen.
Prayer for June 27-July 3, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 5:21-43

That we may trust You for change when we are inclined to give up

Jesus, how often, during your journeys, You allowed yourself to be interrupted. At those moments of interruption, You encountered people in life-altering ways. You healed, brought liberation, and generated new life. You endured mocking, but spoke and acted in ways that generated confidence in those who were inclined to be fearful.

As with many others who are inclined to be fearful, You speak your effective word of peace to us. You create new circumstances for us. You overcome the powers of chaos and death in our lives. You enable us to follow You with courage that we could not generate on our own.

Jesus, enable us to encourage each other. Do not let us be people who tell each other, "It's too late," or "Nothing more can be done," or "Why bother the Teacher anymore?"

Enable us to stretch our our hands in hope. Enable us to help others reach for You in spite of their fear and desperation. Let us follow You without wavering. Amen.
Prayer for June 13-19, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 4:26-34

That we may share, by acts of generosity, the shelter and security that God's reign makes possible

Jesus, we rejoice in You! We rejoice that the fullness of God dwelt in You, and that You have revealed God to us through your instruction, through acts of compassion and mercy, and through your suffering, death, and resurrection.

We thank You for the fruit of faith and good works You have cultivated in the lives of others who, then, touched our lives with your love.

We trust You, even though the seed You scattered during your ministry has taken root in our lives and grown in ways that we cannot fully understand or control.

We know, Christ Jesus, that God reigns through You. We know that we cannot create or control the reign of God. Enable us to comprehend what You are doing among us. Enable us to share, by acts of generosity, the shelter and security that God's reign makes possible.

Reign in our lives today! Amen.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Prayer for August 22-28, 2021
Sermon Text: Psalm 84; Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18; John 6:56-69; Ephesians 6:10-20

That we may live in your presence in whole-hearted commitment and durable faith

God, our Creator and our Savior, we join our voices with your people of every time and place in praising You for your many blessings and your marvelous works. We have glimpsed and been astonished by your glory. Now, we long to live in your presence. We gain strength as we seek You. No desire outweighs our desire to live with You and receive what You offer as generous gifts.

We set aside every form of allegiance that interferes with whole-hearted commitment to You. We give ourselves only to You as we serve You with gladness.

We draw daily nourishment from the presence and words of Christ Jesus, as we let him lead us by your Spirit. Following Jesus, we anticipate both his presence in suffering and abundant life that is overflowing with compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, generosity, peace, joy and justice.

Enable us to stay alert to the many diversions and snares that would draw us away from loving commitment to You. Enable us to utilize all of the resources that You provide in order to keep us from capitulating to evil. Help us to remain conscious that we are struggling against deceitful and exploitive powers and not make our sisters, brothers and neighbors into our enemies. Enable us to trust You each day and stand firm in faith. Amen.

Prayer for August 15-21
Sermon Text: Psalm 111

That we may feed on Christ Jesus at Wisdom's table

Wise and knowing God, we seek You. We hear the invitation of Wisdom to dine at her table and live with the insight she offers.* We hear and know that wisdom begins in awe and reverence before You. We see, in the story of Solomon and the words of James, that You give graciously to your people when they pray for wisdom.**

So we pray for wisdom and You offer it in abundant measure for our daily choices. But we often fail to recognize that wise living requires sustained reflection and effort. Then, similar to Solomon, we turn from the wisdom You provide to make foolish choices that are based in selfishness, lust, and greed

Forgive us!

Enable us to feed on Christ Jesus, at Wisdom’s table. Enable us to walk in the way of Christ who suffered for us. Help us to understand your will and live wisely, not unwisely.

We thank and praise You for your generous gifts. Enable us to use them in ways that bring glory to You. Amen.

*Proverbs 9:1-6 (an alternative reading for today).

**James 1:5 (see in context)

Prayer for August 8-14, 2021
Sermon Text: Ephesians 4:25-5:2

That our lives may be a continuous work of praise

God of all, our life as your people is shaped by your ongoing generosity toward us. You nurture us fully so that we may be fully devoted to You and may follow your example.

     We feed upon your word.

     We serve You with reverence.

     We put our hope in You.

     We glorify You for your deliverance from fear and trouble.

     We speak truthfully, and offer forgiveness as your forgiven ones.

     We eliminate all bitterness and anger, and other behavior that divides us from one another.

     We build each other up with kind words that address each other’s needs in love.

     May our daily lives be a continuous work of praise to You. Amen.

Prayer for July 25-31, 2021
Sermon Text: John 6:1-21

That we may be more fully conscious of our dependence upon the Bread of Life

God, most of us here, today, have seldom had to wonder where our next meal was going to come from. Most of us have a supply of food that will last us for many days. So, it is not uncommon for us to take your provision for granted, or to assume that we have supplied adequately for ourselves and do not need to seek sustenance from your daily presence and provision.

We pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” but few of us are desperate enough to chase Jesus across the countryside in order to receive healing, or find liberation from the spirits that bind us, or enjoy new bread that creates wonder among us and makes us long for more.

We are as dependent on “bread from heaven” as those who wandered in wilderness places, after the exodus, and those who trailed Jesus from place to place, but most of the time we are unaware of the depth of our dependence upon the Bread of Life that You have given to us.

Focus our longing for that Bread as the relationship and resource that energizes our lives for courageous faithfulness in your enduring Presence. We rejoice in You daily. Amen!

Prayer for July 18-24, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

That we may put service to You before the enhancement of our own reputation

God of all creation, we often try to reverse our roles, imagining that we must provide something that You lack by our dedicated and creative action. Somehow, our desire to serve You and our desire to enhance our own reputation get tangled together and we forget that our relationship is based in your generosity to us.

We perceive ourselves as self-made, autonomous people and easily forget that you nurture and protect us in numerous ways. We fail to see that You are our constant companion and guide. We overlook your enduring love.

God, we rejoice that You have drawn us together with diverse people. We rejoice that You are reconciling us with You, and with all of your chosen ones in Christ Jesus. We rejoice that You are shaping our lives to be your enduring dwelling place.

May others see You through our lives as your people and be drawn to You. Amen.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Prayer for July 4-10, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 6:1-13

That we may help those who are desperate and fearful as they reach for You

Jesus, how often, in your journeys, you allowed yourself to be interrupted. And in those moments of interruption, You encountered people in life-altering ways. You healed, brought liberation, and generated new life. You endured mocking, but spoke and acted in ways that generated confidence in those who were inclined to be fearful.

Like many others who are inclined to be fearful, You speak your affective word of peace to us. You create new circumstances for us. You overcome the powers of chaos and death in our lives. You enable us to follow You with courage that we could not generate on our own.

Jesus, enable us to encourage each other. Do not let us be people who tell each other, “It’s too late,” or “Nothing more can be done,” or “Why bother the teacher anymore.”

Enable us to stretch out our hands in hope. Enable us to help others reach for You in spite of their fear and desperation. Let us follow You without wavering. Amen.

Prayer for June 20-26, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 4:35-41

Help us to trust that your power for life will defeat every power that threatens with chaos and death

Christ Jesus, we perceive many things as threats to our lives. We tremble in fear. We believe that we are on the verge of being overwhelmed and do not know what to do. Even though You accompany us and model calm in the midst of storm and chaos, we panic. We cry out in terror. We conclude that You are unconcerned for our well-being and survival because we expect You to protect us from difficult circumstances, not ride through them with us. We wonder if your presence and action are adequate to overcome the dangers that bind or paralyze us.

We hope in your deliverance. But our faith is weak.

Help us to trust in You no matter how difficult circumstances seem to us.

Help us to strengthen each other through prayer and solidarity. Help us to face the storms and chaos of life in confidence that You will overcome, that your power for life will ultimately defeat every power that threatens with chaos and death.

Enable us to be agents of courage and hope for others. Amen.


Prayer for June 6-12, 2021
Sermon Text: Mark 3:20-35

We hope in You and in what You are creating out of your great love

Loving God, we take comfort in your word. We hope in your promises. We rejoice that You have given us faith through Christ Jesus, whom You raised from the dead. And we anticipate, with joy, our own resurrection with Jesus.

Enable us to speak faithfully and boldly about what You have done for us. Enable us to live in ways that cause many to give glory to You through praise, thanksgiving, and faithful action.

In spite of the various troubles and forms of suffering that we endure, your presence and your word enable us to endure. You energize our spirits even as our bodies grow sick and weak. You enable us to see that our present troubles are insignificant when compared to the enduring life that You are preparing for us.

We hope in You and in what You are creating our of your great love for us. Amen.