Sunday, August 7, 2011

Prayer for August 7-13, 2011

Sermon Text: Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28

That our troubles will shape us for greater faithfulness

God of visions, how easy it is for us to become arrogant and insensitive when You have touched our lives and given us some vision of your future for us. And how quickly our lives seem to collapse around us when others respond to our sense of our own importance with jealousy and anger.

Even when You give us dreams, You do not show us every step of the path that lies before us. You direct us toward our destination without full knowledge of the opposition we may face and the pitfalls that might hold us.

Yet, those forces of opposition and those places of difficulty are often instrumental in shaping our lives so that we are effective servants in the places to which You lead us. Moments of despair are often transformed into moments of clarity and joy because of your presence with us and your intervention on our behalf.

We are not looking for trouble, God of mercy, but we pray that You will guide us to the places of service that You intend for us, even if there are many difficulties along the way. We trust You for the strength to endure and grow in faithfulness. Amen.

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