Sunday, January 22, 2012

Prayer of Confession for January 22, 2012

Texts: Psalm 133, Mark 1:14-20, John 17:20-26,
Ephesians 4:1-6, Luke 18:28-30, Acts 2:42-47

Christ our Sovereign, you summon us to follow you and to draw others to you, that they may receive of your abundance and serve you with gladness.

We rejoice in your call upon our lives. We rejoice to follow you and serve you.

We rejoice that you have created us for unity with you and with each other,

and that you intercede for us so that our unity may witness of your love for the world, and reveal your glory among us.

We rejoice that you have given us great abundance in our fellowship with each other,

and that we have been awed by your presence and power as we have devoted ourselves to your instruction, the communion of saints, sacramental meal, and economic sharing.

Forgive us when we reject or forget your call to follow and serve you in unity.

Forgive us when we ignore the foundation for unity that you have created and refuse to build upon it.

Forgive us when we make faith a private matter and desire your abundant blessing only for ourselves instead of for the larger community of which we are a part.

Help us remember that true unity in you is a source of rich blessing for all of us and for many whose lives are touched by ours.

Make us one as only you can do.

Free us from our limited vision for the depths of unity to which you invite us. Amen.

Each year, the United Church of Christ observes a week of prayer for Christian unity, from January 18-25. This prayer was used for a "Service of scripture and prayer for Christian unity," with the sections read alternately by leader and congregation.

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