Monday, August 20, 2012

Prayer for August 19-25, 2012 

Sermon Texts: 1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5:15-20; John 6:51-58

That your wisdom will energize all of our responses

God of wisdom, we rejoice that You give wisdom when your people seek You in humility.  We rejoice that You enable us to discern right and wrong and act with justice.

But we are cautioned by Solomon’s story—for we have seen that wisdom must be practiced to be retained.  We have seen that wisdom is easily forsaken for prudence that is idolatrous and enslaving.  We have seen that wisdom and justice are easily abandoned for the political advantages of oppression and exploitation of neighbors.  We have seen that when wise contentment is forgotten, it produces anxiety that fearfully seizes and clutches resources.

God, we desire your wisdom.  Enable us to practice wisdom in faithful ways—that deepen trust and liberate from idolatry; that energize just practices; that deepen our satisifaction with your many gifts; that enable us to practice generosity without anxiety.

We know that not many of us were wise when You called and named us your own.  Grant us your wisdom for fruitful living that blesses our neighbors.  Amen.

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