Saturday, April 6, 2013

Prayer for April 7-13, 2013 
Sermon Text: Acts 5:27-32

That your Spirit may accomplish your will through our lives

God our Maker, we want to obey You in all things, particularly as You call us to witness and serve others by the guidance of your Holy Spirit.  Help us, Holy One!

We want to act with courageous faith when we encounter resistance to your word or to acts of compassion that truly show forth your love.  Empower us!

Forgive us when we are more concerned about what others think or say about us than we are about your call upon our lives and the extension of your reign in every dimension of life.

Let your Spirit speak and act through us in order that your will may be accomplished.  We place all the gifts You have given to us at your disposal.  We place our reputations and our lives at your disposal.  We stake all that we are and do on your Spirit’s presence and aid.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Empower us, indeed. Focusing on the human aspect of wanting people to like us makes God's voice harder to hear. Thanks Dave, for this prayer.
