Sunday, April 6, 2014

Prayer for April 6-12, 2014 
Sermon Text: John 11:1-45

That we may cling to hope when hope seems impossible

Christ Jesus, we take comfort that You have shared in our earthly life and have known its joys and sorrows.  You know the pain and grief of the death of a beloved friend.  You shed your own tears even as You heard the grief of others.  You are not unmoved by the reality of our lives.

In the midst of even our most difficult circumstances and our deepest griefs, we cling to hope that You are able to  bring life from death.  You are able to give hope where none seems possible.  You are able to heal.  You are able to restore.  You are able to give life that is astonishingly new.

Christ Jesus, our Resurrection!

Christ Jesus, our Life!

We worship You in hope!  

We praise You with rejoicing!  Amen.

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