Saturday, February 28, 2015


Day 10: Saturday
Mark 2:1-12

Christ Jesus, we rejoice in the deep faith that some have shown in response to your astonishing ability and undeniable authority.  We rejoice at the great lengths to which some have gone in order to bring others into your healing, liberating presence.  And we rejoice that You did not turn them away, but in compassion exercised your authority to heal and forgive.

We rejoice in your authority to heal and forgive!  And we rejoice that You have healed us in many ways by speaking your word of forgiveness to us.  

As we follow in your footsteps and minister in your name, give us discernment of those moments when a word of forgiveness is required in order to bring your healing.  Enable us to be thoughtful disciples who find creative ways to bring people into your presence so that they may experience your compassionate action for themselves.  Amen.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Lenten Prayers
Walking With Jesus

Day 9: Friday
Mark 1:40-45

Christ Jesus, even though You came to inaugurate God’s reign among us, You did not hold yourself aloof from those who were plagued by sickness or oppressing spirits.  You were neither afraid nor withdrawn in their presence, but made yourself available to them in great freedom, generosity, and power. 

When the man with a frightful skin disease came to you and inquired of your willingness to heal, You demonstrated your compassion by both touching him and speaking your effective word.  You broke the social isolation in which the man had lived.  You healed his disease.  You enabled him to return to his community as a full participant in its social and spiritual life.   

We rejoice in your fearless compassion.  We rejoice in your gentle touch and powerful word.  We celebrate your remarkable healing ability as we walk with You.  Amen.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


Day 8: Thursday
Mark 1:35-39  

Christ Jesus, we rejoice that You are constantly teaching us as we walk with You.  We rejoice that You were constantly attuned to the presence and desire of God, so that even in the midst of many demands, You sought out silent communion, in solitary places, in order that You might maintain a clear vision of the reign that You were inaugurating, as God’s agent, and so that your priorities remained clear and your energy was consistently renewed for the exercise of your healing, liberating, redeeming authority.  

As we hear your word, and see confirming signs of healing and liberation, remind us to draw close to God in communion.  Lead us into prayerful solitude.  Clarify our understanding of the meaning and intent of God’s reign among us.  Focus our vision on the people and labors to which You have called us.  Energize us so we may carry on your healing and liberating ministry as glad followers in your footsteps.  Amen. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Day 7: Wednesday
Mark 1:23-28

Christ Jesus, we rejoice that we have seen your liberating power at work in our lives and in the lives of many other people.  You have shattered the bonds of sin and enabled us to walk in righteousness.  You have broken the shackles of idolatry and enabled radical devotion to God.  You have scattered demonic spirits and enabled us to collect ourselves and experience freedom that is self-controlled but full of exuberance.  You have demolished the fears that gripped and paralyzed us, enabling us to act courageously in the face of many challenges, free of anxiety and at peace in your presence.

As we walk with You, enable us to act in ways that liberate others by bringing them near You, where your word may limit and eventually eliminate every form of spiritual bondage that holds them captive.  

Thank You for allowing us to witness your liberating work that shows the presence of God’s reign.  Thank You for calling us to participate in that work as You give us vision and energy to do so.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Day 6: Tuesday
Mark 1:23-28

Astonishing!  How astonishing, Christ Jesus, that oppressing spirits are terrified in your presence.  How astonishing when their frightening voices are silenced at your command, and they abandon those whom they have oppressed because they recognize who you are and obey your authoritative word.

We had never seen anything of the sort until You came among us.  We knew nothing of such presence and such power until we walked beside You and saw You give new life to someone in bondage.

We rejoice in your power to deliver that we have both witnessed and experienced.  We praise You as our Deliverer and the Deliverer of many who have heard your healing and liberating word.  

As we walk with You daily, may we see many more people freed from spiritual bondage for liberated life in You.  Amen.

Monday, February 23, 2015


This is one of the trail markers for the famous pilgrimage known as El Camino de Santiago de Compostela (“The Way of St. James of Compostela”).  This particular marker was just outside of Cathedral Sé, in Lisbon, Portugal.

Week 2

     Many trails have markers.  When Lorraine and I walked short sections of El Camino, in September of 2014, we looked for shells (like the one on the cover) and yellow arrows.  We’ve walked trails in many places, and we’ve learned how to find the trail markers even when they are difficult to find.  Sometimes we miss one, make a wrong turn, and have to double back.  But, in general, we keep our eyes open and find our way forward to the trail’s end.
     On the journey of Christian faith, the primary marker is Jesus himself.  He is “The Way” (John 14:6) and the movement that grew up in response to him was also called “the way” (see Acts 9:2; 18:25, 26; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:14, 22). 
     The primary means by which we follow Jesus, keep our eyes forward, and find our way, are by studying the scriptures, opening our hearts to his instruction and his Spirit through prayer, and participating in congregational worship, fellowship and service. 
     We may err along the way, and we are somewhat inclined to deceive ourselves about the right path because of selfishness and pride, but we are likely to relocate the trail if we truly focus on Jesus to see how he was motivated, how he thought, and how he acted as the agent of God’s reign—then follow his lead.

Day 5: Monday
Mark 1:21-22

Christ Jesus, when we truly listen to your instruction, we are astonished by the way that it speaks to the deepest hurts and the deepest longings of our hearts.  Your word reveals God’s presence to us.  Your word penetrates to the core of our being—revealing the reality of our own hearts to us, calling us to forgiveness, and generating hope.  Your word challenges us to follow You into our best humanity—human life that is fully devoted to God and full of love for our neighbors.  

Enable us to hear your instruction for us each day.  Enable us to act in wisdom and obedience as we follow You.  Do not let us be misled by those who claim to speak with authority, but whose words are not in tune with your word for us.  Give us discernment that we may be the people You have called us to be—faithful servants of God’s reign of justice and peace.  Amen.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Days 2-4 and first Sunday

Day 2: Thursday
Mark 1: 9-11

Christ Jesus, we rejoice that You identified with your people and their longing for forgiveness, for an end to their exile, and for God to return to them in sovereignty for Israel and all nations.  We rejoice that You entered the water of baptism in solidarity with them and in obedience to God’s summons through John the Baptizer. 

We rejoice that, in the immediate aftermath of your baptism, the Spirit of God came to rest upon You and God affirmed your identity as Beloved Son.

We have followed You into the waters of baptism.  We have found the forgiveness that You have made available to us.  We rejoice in God’s presence and sovereignty which You have made real in our lives.  We rejoice in You daily!  Amen.

Day 3: Friday
Mark 1:14-15

Jesus, like many we have heard your word that God’s reign is near.  We look around us and we do not always see evidence that this is so, but we have turned to You in repentance.  We believe the good news that You have announced to us, and we trust that in You God’s reign really has come near.

Let your word grow in us and come to fruition in our lives as we live each day with facts on the ground that seem to deny what we have heard.  Enable us to perceive your presence among us, even when You are working in subtle or hidden ways. 

Attune our lives to your sovereign will for us.  Amen.

Day 4: Saturday
Mark 1:16-20

Christ Jesus, we rejoice that You have called us to follow You.  We have begun the journey with You even though we did not clearly understand where You would lead us and what You would demand of us. 

Some of us followed immediately when we heard your word.  Some of us responded more slowly, waiting for You to convince us by acts of power and authority.  Some you have called from familiar labor to serve beside You in spreading the good news of God’s reign present in You.  Some You have empowered to serve You in the marketplace, in politics, education, art, and every other part of our shared social lives.

We rejoice to walk beside You.  We thank You for your companionship.  We pray that You will enable us to cast the net of your good news widely and freely so that others are drawn to You.  We are your servants!  Help us to serve You well.  Amen.

First Sunday

If you are able to do so, take a walk.  If you are unable to walk, take a walk in your memory and imagination.  Consider this as you walk: When and where did you take your first steps in your walk with Jesus?  If you cannot remember first steps, consider this: When did you become conscious that you were following Jesus as his companion and disciple?


Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Cathedral Sé, in Lisbon, Portugal, where one leg of the El Camino de Santiago de Compostela begins.  An arrow on the wall, just behind the little vehicle at the far right (not visible in the photograph), points walkers in the correct direction.  Photo by Lorraine Antieau.

     Every walk begins with a first step.  If you are walking the ancient pilgrimage know as “El Camino” (The Way), and starting from Lisbon, Portugal, you start outside of Cathedral Sé (which has at least two other names).  It’s a long walk, about 380 miles (610 kilometers).  Other routes are longer.  Yet millions of pilgrims have walked the Way since it became a significant pilgrimage route by the early twelfth century.  Every one of those pilgrims started with a first step.
     In order to walk with Jesus, we have to take a first step.  Some of us know exactly when that happened.  Others were surprised to find ourselves journeying with Jesus somewhere in the middle of our lives.  Some have yet to take that first step.
     Like the pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela, we discover that many steps follow that first one, and many challenges arise along the way.  Sustained concentration and effort are required in order to keep going on this journey. 
     In a book related to the Psalms of Ascent (120-134 in our English Bibles), author Eugene Peterson described the life of faith as “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.”  I have read the book several times, and find that title to be a helpful reminder that our walk with Jesus is more than a stroll around the block.  It is also a reminder that following Jesus is doing what Jesus calls us to do.  Following Jesus is more than just an emotional attachment.  It requires daily commitment and faithful action.  Our entire being is involved in walking with Jesus.

These prayers are intended to help us in that daily walk during Lent. 
     Several recent experiences contributed to my choice of theme: walking small segments of El Camino, in Portugal, with Lorraine, in September 2014; watching “The Way,” a 2010 movie about El Camino, starring Martin Sheen; listening to Eric Clapton and B. B. King perform John Hiatt’s song “Riding with the King”; and reading “How God Became King,” by N. T. Wright.  I had almost given up on writing something new for this Lenten season until I read Wright’s book.  A few days after completing it, some ideas began to gel. 
     The writing is not complete, so those who have been reading print versions of my Lenten guides are receiving it in a different format this year.

     As I usually do, I have written these prayers in the first person plural, as a reminder that we are not on this journey alone, and that we always pray as part of the church.
     An alternative title for your consideration: Walking with the King.

Week 1

Day 1: Ash Wednesday
John 1:1-18

Christ Jesus, we rejoice in You.  Our hearts are glad in your presence.  We overflow with thanksgiving. 

We turn to You as we remember that You created us in wisdom and love.  We turn to You because You have come among us and have called us to yourself. 

You have commanded us to follow You, to join You in a great journey.  We follow You as your disciples and we follow with enthusiasm and gladness, even though we are often slow to understand what You are teaching us and where You are leading us. 

Our lives are at your disposal.  Teach us.  Lead us.  Send us.  Use us for your sovereign and wise purpose.  Amen.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Prayer for February 15-21, 2015 
Sermon Text: Mark 9:2-9

That we may realize the story we live is about You

Jesus, most of the time we walk with You and live in your presence with little sense that we are in the presence of something or someone extraordinary.  We go from day to day more or less cheerfully, more or less alert to your presence, but seldom expecting to see or experience You in a new way.

Then, in the midst of a day like most others, your radiant and dazzling glory is revealed unexpectedly, and we see You for who You truly are, even if just for a moment.  We tremble with fear because You are so much more than we had thought You were.  
We realize that everything points to You as the central reality
before whom and with whom we must live our lives.  We do not know what to say.

But then, we learn that we are not expected to speak.  In these moments – especially these moments – we are summoned to watch and listen.  We are invited to learn from You.  We are commanded to obey You.

All we can do is follow.  But we are a bit more alert.  We are a bit more fully motivated for obedience.  We are a bit more sure that the story in which we participate is all about You.  Thank You for allowing us to glimpse your glory.  You are our Sovereign and we worship You.  Amen.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Prayer for February 8-14, 2015 
Sermon Text: Mark 1:29-39

That we may keep first things first as we follow You

Jesus, we rejoice that You are not aloof and uncaring in the face of the illnesses, injuries and diseases of your children.  We rejoice that in your compassion and strength You heal many.  And even though we are puzzled that You do not always heal in the ways that we hope for, we acknowledge your wisdom and sovereignty.  We trust in You.

And we rejoice in your ability to liberate us from spiritual oppression and bondage.  We rejoice that in your healing power You energize us to serve others in compassion.

We rejoice, too, that in the midst of your earthly ministry, You kept first things first: seeking regular communion with the Holy One so that your vision for ministry was constantly clarified and your energy for the exercise of your authority was constantly renewed.   

Finally, we rejoice in the healing that You have done among us.  We rejoice in the freedom You have created for us.  We praise You that You have spoken your word to us, enabled our belief, and made us children of God’s reign of justice, joy, and peace.  Amen.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Prayer for February 1-7, 2015 
Sermon Text: Mark 1:21-28

That we may trust You for deliverance from every destructive spirit

However we name and understand them, we rejoice, Christ Jesus, that You have authority over every impure spirit that would seize, control, diminish and destroy our lives.

Demolish the power of greed that deceives us even as it damages our minds and our relationships.

Defeat every addiction that has hooked us and strung us along as its helpless victims.

Scatter our debilitating and paralyzing fears so that we may collect ourselves and act with courageous faith in the midst of many challenges.

Free us.
Heal us.
Empower us.  

We know that You are able.  We acknowledge our need.  We trust in You.  Be our Liberator and the Authority by whom we live each day.  Amen.