Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Day 6: Tuesday
Mark 1:23-28

Astonishing!  How astonishing, Christ Jesus, that oppressing spirits are terrified in your presence.  How astonishing when their frightening voices are silenced at your command, and they abandon those whom they have oppressed because they recognize who you are and obey your authoritative word.

We had never seen anything of the sort until You came among us.  We knew nothing of such presence and such power until we walked beside You and saw You give new life to someone in bondage.

We rejoice in your power to deliver that we have both witnessed and experienced.  We praise You as our Deliverer and the Deliverer of many who have heard your healing and liberating word.  

As we walk with You daily, may we see many more people freed from spiritual bondage for liberated life in You.  Amen.

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