Saturday, May 30, 2015

Prayer for May 31-June 6, 2015 
Sermon Text: John 3:1-17

That our lives may bear the enduring quality of your presence and reign

Jesus, we have heard your instruction and seen your work among us, and have recognized that You are truly sent from God.  But we are not satisfied with such knowledge.  We want to know You more completely as You continue to reveal yourself to us through the presence and instruction of your Spirit.

We have experienced a measure of the transformation that may take place in and among us as your Spirit blows in energetic and uncontrolled ways through our lives.  But we are not satisfied with the present condition of our hearts and minds.  We want to experience the transforming work of your Spirit more completely.  We want to be endowed with all of the fruit of your Spirit, not for our own glory or satisfaction, but so that You may be glorified in our lives on a daily basis.  

We believe You.  We believe in You.  Deepen our trust in You.  Let us live lives that are infused with the enduring quality of your presence and reign.  Amen. 

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