Saturday, June 13, 2015

Prayer for June 14-20, 2015 
Sermon Text: Mark 4:26-34

That we may fulfill our small roles in your enlarged reign

Sovereign God, we like to imagine that we have control of many things.  We work to manage or control events that seem to swirl around us.  We even believe, at times, that we can exercise control over the good that You are doing in the world.

But your reign among us is commonly enlarged in the quiet times and spaces when we are inactive and unconscious of all that You are doing behind the scenes of our lives. 

You are enlarging your reign in ways that we neither see nor control.  You are assuring that it will provide security and shelter for many.  You are bringing it to fruitfulness and preparing us to participate in harvesting the growth that You give.  

Enable us to fulfill the roles that You have given to us, even as we remember that it is You who reign and You who guarantee that your realm will be one of healing, peace, and great glory.  Amen.

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