Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Prayer for July 24-30, 2016 
Sermon Text: Luke 11:1-13

That we may be daring and persistent in prayer

Christ Jesus, like your early disciples, we do not always know how to pray. We do not know how to express our true needs adequately, and we are embarrassed to ask for assistance.

However, when your disciples asked for instruction in prayer, you taught them. And we, centuries later, have learned the prayer you taught from generations who learned it, prayed it, and treasured it.  We pray as your disciples, and without embarrassment that -

Your name will be honored and your reign come in fullness among us;

That You will feed us what we need today;

That You will forgive every one of our sins and enable us to practice forgiveness 
toward all who have offended or harmed us;

That You will not lead us into temptation, but into glad obedience of God’s word. 

Enable us to be daring and persistent as we ask, seek, and knock upon your door for help. Enable us to trust You for everything that we need. Enable us to trust in the wise and deep generosity of God the Father, with whom You are one.  Amen.

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