Prayer for August 14-20, 2016
Sermon Text: Psalm 80
That we may find our voice when
our hearts are desolate
God, we have not often felt
such abandonment and despair that tears became our food and drink. We have not
often felt such desolation that it seemed that You had fully and angrily
rejected our prayers.
When we have felt such
rejection and hopelessness, we have not been quick to speak about it. We have
typically kept silent and told no one.
Enable us to find our voice.
Enable us to speak truly to You when we are feeling desolate and desperate.
Draw our hearts to you in
faithfulness. Where there has been slippage between our faith claims and our
faith practices, enable our repentance, heal and restore us, and enable us to
praise You with our full being.
Turn your face to us! You
are our healing and our delight! Amen.
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