Prayer for June 11-17, 2017
Sermon Text: Genesis 1:1-2:4a
That we may be
wise and sensitive stewards of your good creation
God of all creation, we
rejoice that by your brooding Spirit, and your effective Word, You have given
form and beauty to your own loving impulse. You have tamed chaos without
struggle. You have given light. You have generated life in myriad forms. You
have invested your creation with generativity and fruitfulness.
We echo your assessment and share your delight that your created universe is “very good!”
We rejoice that You
have created us in your own image to reflect your glory. We rejoice that You
have given us a grand role as coworkers in the care and nurture of this world.
Enable us to be wise and sensitive stewards!
We rejoice, too, that
You rested from the work of creation. Enable us to rest! Enable us to recognize
that You sustain all things, even when we lay aside the work You have given us.
In work and rest, let
our lives be a hymn of praise to You! Amen.
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