Sunday, April 1, 2018

Prayer for April 1-7, 2018
Sermon Text: Mark 16:1-8

That we may be full participants in resurrection life

God of resurrection, we rejoice that You are able to bring life from death, and that You have done so in Christ Jesus, your beloved Son.

But we confess that change and newness often make us fearful. Even your messengers of good news and new hope cause our hearts to pound with terror and our minds to cloud with confusion.

Instead of declaring good news, as we have been instructed, we remain silent. We retreat to places of safety and attempt to console ourselves.

Somehow, even our fear and confusion become part of the good news of the gospel because we know that the story does not end there. We know that fear and confusion are overcome. We know the story does get told. And we know that many encounter Jesus and become participants in the resurrection life that You generate in your great compassion. 

We rejoice that others have shared the good news with us. Enable us to share that same news with boldness. “Jesus is risen!” Hallelujah! Amen!

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