Saturday, August 4, 2018

Prayer for August 5-11, 2018 
Sermon Text: John 6:24-35

That we may perceive your glory and be moved to invest our whole lives in service of your reign

Jesus, Bread of Life, enable us to trust You fully. Enable us to draw nourishment from your presence and action among us. Enable us to abandon our anxious grasping and find satisfaction and rest in You.

We rejoice that You provide for our true needs! Forgive us when we seek You only because You have filled our bellies or met some other need that seemed urgent to us. Enable us to comprehend your identity and your glory in adequate measure to move us to invest our whole selves in pursuing and serving God’s reign among us.  

Sharpen our focus on what You are doing among us. Straighten and strengthen our steps as we follow You in gratitude and hope. Amen.

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