Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Prayer for June 2-8, 2019
Sermon Text: Acts 16:16-34

That You will liberate your people from every power that enthralls, binds and oppresses

Liberating God, we rejoice that You are able to free your people from every form of bondage and captivity.

You are able to liberate from spiritual powers that enthrall, bind and oppress us. You are able to break every form of addiction and dependence that diminishes us and prevents us from living fully human lives.

You forgive with startling graciousness. And by your forgiveness, You break the power that sin holds over us. You interrupt our headlong rush toward death and destruction in order to set our feet firmly on the path to life that is abundant and free.

You are able to free even those who are incarcerated, particularly poor persons who are victimized by many policies and practices. You are able to raise up bold prophets, just judges and wise legislators who will declare and enact the freedom that You desire for your diverse children. 

Please make it so. Do your work of liberation among us. And make us bold, wise and glad agents of your liberation. Amen.

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