Sunday, December 8, 2019

Prayer for December 8-14, 2019
Sermon Text: Isaiah 11:1-10

That we may be agents of justice and peace who help bring healing to creation 

God of compassion and mercy, in Christ Jesus You have given a leader who is energized and guided by your Spirit. You have given a leader who embodies wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, reverence and delight in You. You have given a leader who provides bread in surprising ways and who brings order to the chaos of many lives through works of healing and liberation.  We rejoice in your great gift of love.  

But like many before us, including many of his own people, we often turn away from Jesus and his priorities. We fail to seek justice for the poor. We fail to build peace between neighbors and people groups so that there is no longer predation and harm among us.  

Compassionate One, forgive us for placing our own comfort above everything else. Give us a deeper knowledge of You and your priorities. Give us a deeper desire to see your reign come on earth as in heaven. Enable us to be agents of your justice and peace that brings your healing to your creation. Amen.

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