Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Lenten Prayer - Day 19 - Fourth Wednesday (March 10, 2021)
Gospel Reading: Luke 12:13-21

     God, our Provider, we often think about wealth and possessions outside of the context of the relationships of which we are a part. We forget the ways in which we are dependent upon others, and the ways that others are dependent upon us. Most important, we forget that we are dependent upon You, and act thanklessly in spite of the many ways that You have provided for us, enriched our lives, and filled us with joy.
     We want more, whether we need more of anything or not. Help us to guard our hearts and minds against greed, no matter how subtly it may draw us. Help those of us who have abundant possessions to acknowledge that we do. Help us to recognize that our lives are lived in a matrix of relationships, that You have created, that give us many opportunities to see beyond ourselves - beyond our comfort and satisfaction - and to respond with generosity and joy to our neighbors as we respond with commitment and love to You.
     Do not let ample resources fool us into believing that we stand alone. Forgive us when we are filled with such arrogant pride. Enable us to be rich in love to You and to share gladly what You give. We pray in the name of the One who was your gift, the One who gave all. Amen.

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