Monday, June 20, 2022

Prayer for March 13-19, 2022
Sermon Text: Luke 13:31-35

That we may remember our share in Jesus' healing ministry and live in solidarity with our most vulnerable neighbors.

God our Maker and Redeemer, as we walk with Jesus, give us clarity of purpose. Help us to remember that we have been called to live in solidarity with our most vulnerable neighbors. Help us to remember that we have been given a share in the healing and liberating ministry of Jesus.

We cannot remember and act by our own intellect, ingenuity, and initiative, but need the guidance and energy that your Spirit gives as we devote ourselves to your reign among us.

May the example of Jesus and the presence of your Spirit enable us to stand firm against any resistance to our efforts to practice radical love toward both our neighbors and our enemies.

At the same time, may we be continuously guided and enabled to act in compassionate ways and not allow our encounters with resistance to make our hearts callused toward those who need a tender touch.

We rejoice in your energizing presence. Amen.

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