Friday, December 10, 2010

Prayer for December 12-18, 2010

Sermon Text: Luke 1:47-55

That our hands and hearts will be open to our many neighbors

Mighty God, many of us can make no claims of humility in our attitude or means. We are proud of our hard work and our skillful management of resources. We are proud of the lives we have shaped. We are proud to be good citizens of a wealthy and powerful nation.

Few of us are wealthy compared to our near neighbors, and it is easy to overlook our wealth when compared to distant neighbors we do not see. So we often fail to see ourselves for who we actually are.

In spite of all that we have, we are often fearful and anxious. We forget what You have done for us and fear loss and deprivation.

We are not eager for a reversal of fortunes on a broad scale because we fear that we may lose our privileged status in the world. We do not want parity or justice that will cost us too much.

God, in spite of our anxiousness, we want Jesus to be present in our lives even when Jesus judges our unfaithful pride and tries to reorient us to your will. Teach us to be confident in You, not in ourselves. Open our hands and our hearts to our many neighbors, even as we open our lives more fully to Jesus. Amen.

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