Sunday, December 27, 2015

Prayer for December 27, 2015-January 2, 2016 
Sermon Text: Luke 2:41-52

That our hearts may be opened for repentance, insight, and awe

Jesus, how difficult it is for us to realize that we have left You behind.  Because we do not live in constant consciousness of and attentiveness to your presence, or maintain continuous communion with You, it sometimes seems that You have departed from us, when, in fact, we have wandered away from You.

We become so focused on our personal destination that we forget where You are from, where You are going, and what You are attempting to accomplish among us as You go about the business of the Father with whom You are fully one.

Keep reminding us that You are God’s Word doing God’s work in the world.  Keep our eyes focused on You.  Keep our ears open to the wise questions You ask that open our hearts and minds for repentance, insight, and awe.  Keep showing us that, like You, we are God’s children, called to hear and share God’s word as we do God’s work with your help.  

May our identity be fully shaped by God’s call upon our lives and your example of obedience.  Amen.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Prayer 2015

O Living Word! Eternal One! Creator of all things!  Life of all humankind!  True Light that shines through darkness! One and only Son! Giver of grace!  We rejoice in You!

We rejoice that You have come among us and have shared the heights and depths of human experience.  We rejoice that You have revealed the presence and glory of God to us.  We rejoice that You have enabled us to receive You, become children of God, and accept the ever flowing stream of grace that flows from God through You.  

We worship You with gladness.  We praise and thank You for the full salvation and abundant joy you bring to us and to all who trust in You.  Joy to the world!  Amen.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Prayer for December 20-26, 2015
Sermon Text: Luke 1:39-55

That our hearts may be quickened by Jesus’ presence

God of wonders, help us to see the unexpected ways that You are working among us.  Enable us to rejoice in the miracles of new life that You are frequently creating, even as we celebrate your greatest gift—Jesus Christ.

We rejoice that through the entire life history of Jesus—from conception to ascension—You said, “Enough,” to the common practices of oppression and idolatry.  You set in motion the end of all forms of power politics based in human arrogance and ostentatious wealth.

You have taken note of the humble and You lift them from the dust and bless them with fullness and honor.  

We celebrate your Christ, whose presence quickens our spirit and generates new songs of joy.  We bless You with glad praise from our full hearts.  Amen.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Prayer for December 13-19, 2015 
Sermon Text: Luke 3:7-18

That we may be enflamed and enthused for ministry

God, we do not want to be considered venomous vipers or fruitless and rotten trees.  We want to be children of Abraham—people who live in an enduring relationship of covenant fidelity with You. 

We make no claims about our heritage, but claim only your mercy and grace.  We hear your call to repentance through the voice of the prophet and we turn to You.  We obey your command to share our resources.  We have altered the ways we work so that we are serving others in life-giving ways and not robbing them of precious resources.

But we trust only in You, not in what we have done in response to your call upon our lives.

We fear your judgment, but we welcome that which aligns our lives more fully with yours.  Remove any venom that remains in our hearts and on our lips.  Remove the rotten fruit from our lives. Grant the constant presence of your Holy Spirit.  Enflame and enthuse us for ministry to those around us.  

Enable us to hear the good news you have for us, even when it sometimes sounds like bad news.  We are listening!  Amen.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Sermon Text: Luke 3:1-6

That the speech of your prophets will penetrate our hearts

O God, how many voices have called to us in the wilderness of our lives?  How many messengers have we heard calling us to repentance—calling us to turn from idolatry and injustice in order to return to You?

Some days we simply refuse to hear.  Some days we simply refuse to prepare the way for You by straightening the crooked ways that things are done among us, or by levelling the playing field of our economic and political life.  Some days we simply refuse You because we are so comfortable with the way things are that we do not want to face changes that might require that we give up some of the advantages to which we are accustomed.

Keep sending those who call as voices in the wilderness.  Let your word penetrate our hearts through their speech.  Let them lead us, even drag us, back from our self-selected exile into the fullness of life that You intend for us as your people, united in communion with You and with each other.  

Make us ready to see your salvation and live as grateful servants of your just and generous reign.  Amen