Sunday, December 27, 2015

Prayer for December 27, 2015-January 2, 2016 
Sermon Text: Luke 2:41-52

That our hearts may be opened for repentance, insight, and awe

Jesus, how difficult it is for us to realize that we have left You behind.  Because we do not live in constant consciousness of and attentiveness to your presence, or maintain continuous communion with You, it sometimes seems that You have departed from us, when, in fact, we have wandered away from You.

We become so focused on our personal destination that we forget where You are from, where You are going, and what You are attempting to accomplish among us as You go about the business of the Father with whom You are fully one.

Keep reminding us that You are God’s Word doing God’s work in the world.  Keep our eyes focused on You.  Keep our ears open to the wise questions You ask that open our hearts and minds for repentance, insight, and awe.  Keep showing us that, like You, we are God’s children, called to hear and share God’s word as we do God’s work with your help.  

May our identity be fully shaped by God’s call upon our lives and your example of obedience.  Amen.

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