Prayer for December 20-26, 2015
Sermon Text: Luke 1:39-55
That our
hearts may be quickened by Jesus’ presence
God of wonders,
help us to see the unexpected ways that You are working among us. Enable us to rejoice in the miracles of new
life that You are frequently creating, even as we celebrate your greatest
gift—Jesus Christ.
We rejoice that
through the entire life history of Jesus—from conception to ascension—You said,
“Enough,” to the common practices of oppression and idolatry. You set in motion the end of all forms of
power politics based in human arrogance and ostentatious wealth.
You have taken
note of the humble and You lift them from the dust and bless them with fullness
and honor.
We celebrate your
Christ, whose presence quickens our spirit and generates new songs of joy. We bless You with glad praise from our full
hearts. Amen.
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