Saturday, December 31, 2016

Prayer for December 25-31, 2016
Sermon Text: Luke 2:1-20

That our hearts may overflow endlessly with praise

Light of the world, we rejoice in You! We rejoice that in You we have seen the splendor of God’s holiness. We have heard angels declare God’s glory and we have been moved by awe to rejoice in You and celebrate your life among us.

In You we celebrate the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel. We celebrate the reign of peace and justice that began in your earthly ministry, that conquered sin and death through the cross, and whose consummation we await in joyful hope.  

You are our Wonderful Counselor. You are Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. We cannot stop singing your praise because You keep giving us new songs. You keep shedding the light of truth into our lives. You keep guiding and healing us. You keep forgiving us and setting us free to live for the glory of the God with whom You are one from the beginning and forever. Our hearts overflow endlessly. Amen.

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