Saturday, December 31, 2016

Prayer for January 1-7, 2017
Sermon Text: Matthew 25:31-46

That we may express your love and be guided by your values

O Christ, we long to see your glory. We long to see the day when everything in all of creation is fully reconciled to you and fully reflects your glory.

Align our lives with your compassionate, forgiving, liberating, reconciling purpose. Enable us to express your love and be guided by your values in all of our relationships, but particularly in relationships with those who are most vulnerable. Enable us to see your presence in their lives, to recognize your kinship with them. Then, let generous, caring action flow in gratitude for all that You have done for us.

Enable us to act wisely in relationship to our neighbors. But also enable us not to be overly self-conscious about the choices that we make. Enable us not to be fearful and overly concerned about judgment, but enable us to act with glad courage and trust that You will work goodness as we offer ourselves in obedient compassion.

We glorify your name. Our hope for life is in You.  Amen.

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