Prayer for February 26-March 4, 2017
Sermon Text: Matthew
we may keep moving in the direction You send us
We have had glimpses of your glory, O Christ. Sometimes they give us
renewed energy for lives of bold witness and service. Sometimes they merely
baffle us and leave us wondering what we should do in order to respond
adequately to your majestic presence.
Help us to recognize that your presence and your glory are not within
our control. Help us to open our ears, hearts and minds in order to hear you
fully as You speak to the circumstances of our lives and guide our efforts to
live in deep fidelity to You.
Our faith is often weaker than we imagine, but energize us, each day, to
keep moving in the direction that You send us. Enable us to follow courageously
even when it seems clear that the way ahead may include suffering.
We believe the Voice that claimed You as beloved, pleasing Son, and so
we follow no matter what. Amen.
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