Friday, February 16, 2018


John 17:9-19

God of all people and all creation, enable us to live the unity for which Christ Jesus prayed. Protect us from everything that would undermine, disrupt or fracture the unity that we have in Christ Jesus.

Protect us, especially, from ourselves! Forgive us! For we have created innumerable strategies for separating ourselves from one another and refusing fellowship to one another. We consistently undermine the unity that You have created for our benefit and your glory.

We rejoice that You have given us much joy. Enhance and deepen that joy as You shape our lives to be more like Christ. Enable us to be diligent in the practice and proclamation of your word, even when others respond with rejection or hatred. 

We rejoice that we are citizens of your reign. May we be people of truth—fully set aside and purified for your purposes—as we are sent into the world as Jesus was sent by You. Enable us to discern where the values and practices of the world cannot be aligned with those of your reign, and choose the way of Christ. Amen.

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